Friday, January 27, 2012

Prayerful Events

I just read this blog by Prayfit; he has been tweeting on my Twitter site for some time.  Honestly I thought he was Tyler Perry, they both have a unique way of using scripture that takes a conservative women like myself and makes me look at things a little different.  Today’s Tweet caught my attention.  Someone from tomorrow is praying for you, today. Wait, what? “(Read and you'll see)…  reminded me of all the events I have planned for others and all the prayers said.  The blessings and joys I had shared with others.  What a great gift this has been. 

At a time, when I am feeling sorrow over the loss of my mother in law and my uncle it was comforting that someone is praying for my family.  I know we have all suffered and continue to suffer in the race of life.  We all have tried to fight the good fight.  It is comforting knowing others are there for me as well. Although we suffer today, joy will be here in the morning.  Each teardrop shed has had it’s purpose.
I can honestly say there is not one wedding, anniversary, event, meeting, fundraiser that I have not prayed for.  They are always such special times in another person’s life.  I always pray that my agenda and the agenda of others would not interfere God’s will in the lives of those that the event is for.  I pray that my clients and I become like minded for that reason and purpose.  Pray His grace would be abounding.

Event planners have difficult jobs in a way.  They have to listen to all the worries of the client, help them stay focus on what the goal is, help monitor their budget and help them feel good about what, why, and how they are accomplishing their goals.  Sometimes it means having enough integrity to say No.   The sad part, but the reality of life is we sometimes are judged for these things.  The wonderful part is a man’s personal judgment is for a moment here on earth God’s is eternal.  And as long as I am doing my best it all he asks of us.

Prayfits article reminded me of how many prayers I have said for others.  The missionaries at my church, the children I have taught in Sunday school (whom I prayed for by name), my friends, my family, the family members who live in another part of the world.  It never occurred to me what time the prayer would be said, if it was the day before or the day after.  I just knew I was always grateful for it.  I enjoy praying the event I am planning meets God’s requirement for them which was planned at the day of their birth.  “According to His Grace and Purpose.”  No one can ask for anything else.  

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Girls Grab Your Valentine

2012 Trends means it's time to get your man and fire things up in the romance department.  2012 has hot new fashions in Jewelry                                                                                                                                            
bridal-accessories-white-gold-wedding-bands on This cute ring set would be great in marriage or for a couple being a long term relationship that will say I am yours.
These couples ring is perfect for saying "I Do,"  or just for making each other a promise to be true.

Fashion Diva buy a piece of jewelry will mean that you have to think about what you will be like in 10 or 20 years or teach your man that you are worth an upgrade every few years or at least as often as he buys a new car.  You are a worthy woman of all good things.  It is a promise made to us by our God.  He tells us how much we are worth. 

With trends changing all the time think of whom you are and what you enjoy doing.  The ring you choose is a reflection of you and your taste.  It's beauty says a statement about you.

Check out this latest find in websites to get more ideas of what 2012 will bring.

After you have gotten your man to purchase your ring.  Call MK Pure Diamond Events to assist you in planning a day to remember. 

New 2022 Blogpost will begin In June