On the 29th I have been invited to participate in master beauty class by Chanel professionals. I will try to post on Instagram live or stories depending on what they allow. I will also try to video it. The fallow along an let's see if you can join us for this class. @MKPDE
Lifestyle Photography
I am so excited about what I have been sharing lately on my Instagram account. I was watching another photographer in New York named named Jessica who I respect for what she is trying to do for other photographers. I came to the realization that some of my pricing and photography term are not up to date. That what was so cool. She is keeping her photography up to date with trendy and local terms. It got me realizing that not all my terms are up to date and therefore I need to update not only my vocabulary also my website.
You see I have turn down certain employment before due to my belief system. I now found a way to include this into my photography shoot without compromising my beliefs or myself. Your probably wondering what I am talking about. I stop when it comes to talking photographs of boudoir. To me a woman who has to sent or give her fiance a photograph of herself to display herself to all his friends is judged and I don't like being involved in my business in such things. I guess I have seen the pain and struggle woman face when planning their weddings to many times. The last thing they need a one of my photographs as judgement proof.
Therefore, I have been trying engage couples to take lifestyle photographs instead. What success for not only them (the couple) also for my business. Why the change. I think it is because the couple now has the ability to see themselves not only as a couple, also as individuals. Plus they get to see where they (the couple or individual) is starting from. For the rest of their life as a married couple they will have a starting point to plan. When two come together as one, let no man put a wedge in between. Whether it be a family member, a hotel, a stranger, a friend a family church friend, sister, brother, father, mother and the list goes on. At that point they fight together for themselves as a couple. Later as a family. The will always have that photograph to remind them of their own truths. When you know your own truth. Your more likely to stay out of the business of others truths and focus on creating a new life together. The funnest part of marriage is the truth that love exist. You don't have to compromise yourself, you just have to learn to stay and grow together.
I hope you'll join me in the happiness bachelorette and bachelors share in making the a start in their lives for what they prefer. Please don't don't misunderstand. I don't have anything against others that choose to take those types of photographs. I think is a personal choice the path one takes. Sometimes we fall into things and some times we are forced. It is how we handle what happens to us. Is what builds the character of the person. Grace prevails in the most difficult of places.
Now that I have started controversy in photography I hope you will rejoice with me as you can see the photographs on my instagram.com/nodsish.
Like, subscribe, tell a friend and if you really need to know about what this is about. Please read disclaimer on the contact page. Thank you!
Last Minute Shopping .
My Top Ten Pick
Hi there Diamond Glamour Girls,
Here it is countdown til Christmas. The unexpected last minute Christmas Gift you have to get. Here I went out with a cold in the cold winter solstice to see what was let go purchase for that unexpected guest. You know the one that no one really invited anywhere. The money the down trotted. The widow, orphan, daughter of a preacher. The one everyone loves to hate, always wants to claim them as a friend. It looks good on the resume. I laugh as I write this. Are there lonely people watching this holidays that know, yet you won't ever invite over?
I did this because a friend recommend an appliance and I went to see if they sold it here in California. Only to find out its an East Coast product so I'll have to order it online. Here is my top 10 items for last minute shopping.
- Coffee pot
- Tea pot
- Waffle maker
- Cups (there are the fittest ups)
- Christmas Ornaments
- Gloves. Mittens. Scrafts, Hats
- Blanket or Throw
- Candles
- Gift card (grocery store, cash) are especially appreciated).
- Box of Chocolates
Like, subscribe, tell a friend. The disclaimer is on the communication tab.
Happy Holidays!
Like I have said in previous other Blogs such as DiamondGlamourGirls.blogspot.com Puerto Rico is beautiful to visit during the Christmas Season. Since they were voted top ten island to visit in 2018 by LoneyPlanet.com I went on a search to see what bikinis are in fashion for the season.
I found a company based out of Miami Florida and they have a variety of choices. I believe their theme for this season is Tabasco y Ron. LuLi Fama here's a video see for yourself.
October Favorites
I was asked to write what are my October favorites. I was asked to Vlog about my favorites this month. Guess what from my YouTube channel I can tell I can tell by my follower level how great I am. Honestly, I find YouTube an art form I haven't matured in. It's new. How my people make so many things look so great is rather amazing to me. Since it might take me all month. I decided a blog would be faster. Here goes.
Books set the mood for any season, therefore currently I am ready a mystery named:
Book Written by
1. Dead Before the Wedding Carle Keene
2. 100+ Knock Knock Jokes for Kids Johnny B Laughing
3. Chicken Soup for the Soul Amy Newkirk
Find your inner strength: 101 Empowering Stories
4. Better Off Wed Laura Durham
5. Money Master the Game Tony Robbins
7 Simple Step
I have this terrible problem and my ex-husband use to complain to me all the time. I always am reading multiple books. He'd occasional ask me haven't you finish that book yet? I'd answer I am slow reader. When I was a child I though everyone learned to read faster than me. Why? I was learning how to read in two languages. English just wasn't my favorite subject. I could never master it. Then in high school I took four years of Spanish only to discover that wasn't my favorite language. It wasn't until college that I really learned the beauty in reading. I also learned I wasn't a bad reader. I process the book I'm reading differently than others. Then I had a professor who ask question in literature that made me little to what the author's character really was trying to say, rather than what the words meant. Then my children entered high school and they were reading the books I was reading in college. That love for reading came back. I was able to share what I had learned. Love understands all things. The book I always read no matter how many times I read it, there is something new. Is the bible. I know some say stupid, some say Ive already read it cover to cover. I think great! How can you not read it again. It's a classic. Like a good book you read again just because. That's the Bible. Try reading it like a novel and let me know what you think.
On to the other favorites:
- PaperMate Color Mechanical Pencils for drawing or writing.
- This Make up Storage that is a Vanity, however it doesn't look like one.
- Styles for less blouse for $5.00 There so cute for casual wear around the house I purchase two of them and a pair of saddles. I couldn't believe I found three different outfits for causal were for under 30 dollars.
That's pretty much it. Please read the disclaimer. Like, subscribe, tell a friend and don't forget to click on an ad. Leave a comment if you'd like.

Thank You to Pixel for the Free Downloads
With so many choice what. Party planning app is the best? I wish I had an answer for you. I don't. It really is a personal choice. What I can tell you is I have some ideas of what might save you frome some frustration.
Invitation Apps
Here are two invitation Apps I do recommendations.
1. Evite it has allot to offer its users. Cute invitation designs plus RSVP tracking. Don't be fooled the last time I used it I noticed they had advertisers selling their goods and services. If your on a budget this is temptation you don't need.
2. Punch Bowl: is an invitation app and cards. It's pretty straight forward.
Here is what I can recommend if you want or need an app to help you plan.
1. Know what your needs are. Do you want a budget tracker? An invitation tracker? Just a general planner?
2. Are you going to be sending or posting photographs of your guest? Will you want a secure site for posting?
3. What will you be serving food? Menus Planner?
4. Will you need bartending or alcohol service? Security?
5. What about party rental calculator? Difference apps do different things you just have to know what your needs are.
Disclaimer is on the contact page. Like, subscribe leave a comment and be kind and tell a friend. It would be generous of you to click on an advertisement.
You can also hear more about party planning on Anchor by Listen to my station Maria Kamon©™ @MKPDE
Trending on fun family things to do locally.
Pirate Coast Paddle: a paddle tour around the coast with light up paddle boards, could be a fun thing to experience.
Come Play and Stay: can't afford a trip to Vence, Europe? Still want the romance try a trip to Long Beach,Ca and experience the romance of the experience.
Critter Country visit the American Teaching Zoo. Let your family see other walking around with different critters. Experience the interactive zoo.
Three Art Shows plenty of art for the family to experience plus the local vendors. Please check to see what dates are what. June-September 2017
For more information please listen at http://anchor.fm/Maria-Kamon-MKPDE. You can also download on iTunes, Google Play, and Pocket Cast.
I thought you might need sunscreen for your summer fun.
Disclaimer: is posted on the contact page of this website. Like, Subscribe, tell a friend. Click on an ad to learn more about our advertisers.
Hi there;
You have asked me many times, is there a night life in San Diego. I say yes. Pick up the local reader and find out what is happening this summer.
From its delicious restaurants to its amazing hotspots San Diegians are known for having an active lifestyle. There are venues that will put LA and New York to shame. I don't mean to brag although I do have a sense of pride for the city I grew up in. Maybe, not my childhood definitely as a young adult. The city that taught me how great it really is.
San Diego has some of the funniest places one can attend. From concert location the green at Humphrys to dance the night to live bands at Music Box along with fine dinning. That's how it all starts.
Let's talk more about what your all about. Are you a family person then look and see if there are big movies playing on the outdoor screens. Maybe you would like to listen to music, however the cost of a babysitter is too much, then look for the concerts in the park. They are always a lot of fun.
How about the symphony? That makes for an exciting and educational or sophisticated night for those choosing to expose themselves to the experience of a live concert with music without word. If you want to take children and share the professionalism of music without word and the beauty of the music notes playing with one another as they magically tickle your ears and spar the positive notes within the souls of its listens. The challenge of becoming greater than one is. For children I recommend the matinee, however as parents you know best if your child can sit a full concert with
talking to requesting food. The sufistication of being around adult might become thing worth learning.
If you'd like to hear more listen to the radion board cast on anchor.fm/Maria-Kamon-MKPDE
NowPlaying "7/21/2017 Friday Night in SD" from Maria Kamon©™ @MKPDE on @anchor: https://anchor.fm/maria-kamon-mkpde/episodes/a69d20
You can also listen on:
Google Play
Pocket Cast
Please read full disclaimer on contact page. Like? Subscribe? Tell a friend. Most of all click on an ad and see how great our advertisers are.
"The city of Angel, La La Land. Call what you will because of the film and TV stardom. Greater Los Angeles nearly everyone on earth thinks they know. " Smart Magazine. Before you visit LA I suggest a pair or two of these sunglasses, they come on rainbow colors: Sunglasses for Men Sunglasses for Woman
Here is an outline of the article written I hope it will bless you and your business.
Claim to Fame:
- The Board
- Walt Disney Convention Center
- Inter-Continental Los Angeles
- Free hand Los Angels
- Hotel Indio Downtown Los Angels
Peterson Automotive Museum
- Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science
- Soffiel Los Angels At Beverly Hills
- The James Hotel Los Angeles
- The Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills
- The West Hollywood Editions
Claim to Fame
- Universal Studios Hollywood
- The Hollywood Roosevelt
Beach Cities//Lax
- Venice Beach Boardwalk
- Hyatt Regency Los Angeles International Airpot
For more information please listen to Maria Kamon(c)TM on Anchor , iTunes, Google Play and Pocket Cast anchor.com/fm/maria-kamon-mkpde
On the 29th I have been invited to participate in master beauty class by Chanel professionals. I will try to post on Instagram live or stories depending on what they allow. I will also try to video it. The fallow along an let's see if you can join us for this class. @MKPDE
Lifestyle Photography
I am so excited about what I have been sharing lately on my Instagram account. I was watching another photographer in New York named named Jessica who I respect for what she is trying to do for other photographers. I came to the realization that some of my pricing and photography term are not up to date. That what was so cool. She is keeping her photography up to date with trendy and local terms. It got me realizing that not all my terms are up to date and therefore I need to update not only my vocabulary also my website.
You see I have turn down certain employment before due to my belief system. I now found a way to include this into my photography shoot without compromising my beliefs or myself. Your probably wondering what I am talking about. I stop when it comes to talking photographs of boudoir. To me a woman who has to sent or give her fiance a photograph of herself to display herself to all his friends is judged and I don't like being involved in my business in such things. I guess I have seen the pain and struggle woman face when planning their weddings to many times. The last thing they need a one of my photographs as judgement proof.
Therefore, I have been trying engage couples to take lifestyle photographs instead. What success for not only them (the couple) also for my business. Why the change. I think it is because the couple now has the ability to see themselves not only as a couple, also as individuals. Plus they get to see where they (the couple or individual) is starting from. For the rest of their life as a married couple they will have a starting point to plan. When two come together as one, let no man put a wedge in between. Whether it be a family member, a hotel, a stranger, a friend a family church friend, sister, brother, father, mother and the list goes on. At that point they fight together for themselves as a couple. Later as a family. The will always have that photograph to remind them of their own truths. When you know your own truth. Your more likely to stay out of the business of others truths and focus on creating a new life together. The funnest part of marriage is the truth that love exist. You don't have to compromise yourself, you just have to learn to stay and grow together.
I hope you'll join me in the happiness bachelorette and bachelors share in making the a start in their lives for what they prefer. Please don't don't misunderstand. I don't have anything against others that choose to take those types of photographs. I think is a personal choice the path one takes. Sometimes we fall into things and some times we are forced. It is how we handle what happens to us. Is what builds the character of the person. Grace prevails in the most difficult of places.
Now that I have started controversy in photography I hope you will rejoice with me as you can see the photographs on my instagram.com/nodsish.
Like, subscribe, tell a friend and if you really need to know about what this is about. Please read disclaimer on the contact page. Thank you!
You see I have turn down certain employment before due to my belief system. I now found a way to include this into my photography shoot without compromising my beliefs or myself. Your probably wondering what I am talking about. I stop when it comes to talking photographs of boudoir. To me a woman who has to sent or give her fiance a photograph of herself to display herself to all his friends is judged and I don't like being involved in my business in such things. I guess I have seen the pain and struggle woman face when planning their weddings to many times. The last thing they need a one of my photographs as judgement proof.
Therefore, I have been trying engage couples to take lifestyle photographs instead. What success for not only them (the couple) also for my business. Why the change. I think it is because the couple now has the ability to see themselves not only as a couple, also as individuals. Plus they get to see where they (the couple or individual) is starting from. For the rest of their life as a married couple they will have a starting point to plan. When two come together as one, let no man put a wedge in between. Whether it be a family member, a hotel, a stranger, a friend a family church friend, sister, brother, father, mother and the list goes on. At that point they fight together for themselves as a couple. Later as a family. The will always have that photograph to remind them of their own truths. When you know your own truth. Your more likely to stay out of the business of others truths and focus on creating a new life together. The funnest part of marriage is the truth that love exist. You don't have to compromise yourself, you just have to learn to stay and grow together.
I hope you'll join me in the happiness bachelorette and bachelors share in making the a start in their lives for what they prefer. Please don't don't misunderstand. I don't have anything against others that choose to take those types of photographs. I think is a personal choice the path one takes. Sometimes we fall into things and some times we are forced. It is how we handle what happens to us. Is what builds the character of the person. Grace prevails in the most difficult of places.
Now that I have started controversy in photography I hope you will rejoice with me as you can see the photographs on my instagram.com/nodsish.
Like, subscribe, tell a friend and if you really need to know about what this is about. Please read disclaimer on the contact page. Thank you!
Last Minute Shopping .
My Top Ten Pick
Hi there Diamond Glamour Girls,
Here it is countdown til Christmas. The unexpected last minute Christmas Gift you have to get. Here I went out with a cold in the cold winter solstice to see what was let go purchase for that unexpected guest. You know the one that no one really invited anywhere. The money the down trotted. The widow, orphan, daughter of a preacher. The one everyone loves to hate, always wants to claim them as a friend. It looks good on the resume. I laugh as I write this. Are there lonely people watching this holidays that know, yet you won't ever invite over?
I did this because a friend recommend an appliance and I went to see if they sold it here in California. Only to find out its an East Coast product so I'll have to order it online. Here is my top 10 items for last minute shopping.
- Coffee pot
- Tea pot
- Waffle maker
- Cups (there are the fittest ups)
- Christmas Ornaments
- Gloves. Mittens. Scrafts, Hats
- Blanket or Throw
- Candles
- Gift card (grocery store, cash) are especially appreciated).
- Box of Chocolates
Like, subscribe, tell a friend. The disclaimer is on the communication tab.
Happy Holidays!
Like I have said in previous other Blogs such as DiamondGlamourGirls.blogspot.com Puerto Rico is beautiful to visit during the Christmas Season. Since they were voted top ten island to visit in 2018 by LoneyPlanet.com I went on a search to see what bikinis are in fashion for the season.
I found a company based out of Miami Florida and they have a variety of choices. I believe their theme for this season is Tabasco y Ron. LuLi Fama here's a video see for yourself.
October Favorites
I was asked to write what are my October favorites. I was asked to Vlog about my favorites this month. Guess what from my YouTube channel I can tell I can tell by my follower level how great I am. Honestly, I find YouTube an art form I haven't matured in. It's new. How my people make so many things look so great is rather amazing to me. Since it might take me all month. I decided a blog would be faster. Here goes.
Books set the mood for any season, therefore currently I am ready a mystery named:
Book Written by
1. Dead Before the Wedding Carle Keene
2. 100+ Knock Knock Jokes for Kids Johnny B Laughing
3. Chicken Soup for the Soul Amy Newkirk
Find your inner strength: 101 Empowering Stories
4. Better Off Wed Laura Durham
5. Money Master the Game Tony Robbins
7 Simple Step
I have this terrible problem and my ex-husband use to complain to me all the time. I always am reading multiple books. He'd occasional ask me haven't you finish that book yet? I'd answer I am slow reader. When I was a child I though everyone learned to read faster than me. Why? I was learning how to read in two languages. English just wasn't my favorite subject. I could never master it. Then in high school I took four years of Spanish only to discover that wasn't my favorite language. It wasn't until college that I really learned the beauty in reading. I also learned I wasn't a bad reader. I process the book I'm reading differently than others. Then I had a professor who ask question in literature that made me little to what the author's character really was trying to say, rather than what the words meant. Then my children entered high school and they were reading the books I was reading in college. That love for reading came back. I was able to share what I had learned. Love understands all things. The book I always read no matter how many times I read it, there is something new. Is the bible. I know some say stupid, some say Ive already read it cover to cover. I think great! How can you not read it again. It's a classic. Like a good book you read again just because. That's the Bible. Try reading it like a novel and let me know what you think.
On to the other favorites:
- PaperMate Color Mechanical Pencils for drawing or writing.
- This Make up Storage that is a Vanity, however it doesn't look like one.
- Styles for less blouse for $5.00 There so cute for casual wear around the house I purchase two of them and a pair of saddles. I couldn't believe I found three different outfits for causal were for under 30 dollars.
That's pretty much it. Please read the disclaimer. Like, subscribe, tell a friend and don't forget to click on an ad. Leave a comment if you'd like.
![]() |
Thank You to Pixel for the Free Downloads |
With so many choice what. Party planning app is the best? I wish I had an answer for you. I don't. It really is a personal choice. What I can tell you is I have some ideas of what might save you frome some frustration.
Invitation Apps
Here are two invitation Apps I do recommendations.
1. Evite it has allot to offer its users. Cute invitation designs plus RSVP tracking. Don't be fooled the last time I used it I noticed they had advertisers selling their goods and services. If your on a budget this is temptation you don't need.
2. Punch Bowl: is an invitation app and cards. It's pretty straight forward.
Here is what I can recommend if you want or need an app to help you plan.
1. Know what your needs are. Do you want a budget tracker? An invitation tracker? Just a general planner?
2. Are you going to be sending or posting photographs of your guest? Will you want a secure site for posting?
3. What will you be serving food? Menus Planner?
4. Will you need bartending or alcohol service? Security?
5. What about party rental calculator? Difference apps do different things you just have to know what your needs are.
Disclaimer is on the contact page. Like, subscribe leave a comment and be kind and tell a friend. It would be generous of you to click on an advertisement.
You can also hear more about party planning on Anchor by Listen to my station Maria Kamon©™ @MKPDE
Trending on fun family things to do locally.
Pirate Coast Paddle: a paddle tour around the coast with light up paddle boards, could be a fun thing to experience.
Come Play and Stay: can't afford a trip to Vence, Europe? Still want the romance try a trip to Long Beach,Ca and experience the romance of the experience.
Critter Country visit the American Teaching Zoo. Let your family see other walking around with different critters. Experience the interactive zoo.
Three Art Shows plenty of art for the family to experience plus the local vendors. Please check to see what dates are what. June-September 2017
For more information please listen at http://anchor.fm/Maria-Kamon-MKPDE. You can also download on iTunes, Google Play, and Pocket Cast.
I thought you might need sunscreen for your summer fun.
Disclaimer: is posted on the contact page of this website. Like, Subscribe, tell a friend. Click on an ad to learn more about our advertisers.
Hi there;
You have asked me many times, is there a night life in San Diego. I say yes. Pick up the local reader and find out what is happening this summer.
From its delicious restaurants to its amazing hotspots San Diegians are known for having an active lifestyle. There are venues that will put LA and New York to shame. I don't mean to brag although I do have a sense of pride for the city I grew up in. Maybe, not my childhood definitely as a young adult. The city that taught me how great it really is.
San Diego has some of the funniest places one can attend. From concert location the green at Humphrys to dance the night to live bands at Music Box along with fine dinning. That's how it all starts.
Let's talk more about what your all about. Are you a family person then look and see if there are big movies playing on the outdoor screens. Maybe you would like to listen to music, however the cost of a babysitter is too much, then look for the concerts in the park. They are always a lot of fun.
How about the symphony? That makes for an exciting and educational or sophisticated night for those choosing to expose themselves to the experience of a live concert with music without word. If you want to take children and share the professionalism of music without word and the beauty of the music notes playing with one another as they magically tickle your ears and spar the positive notes within the souls of its listens. The challenge of becoming greater than one is. For children I recommend the matinee, however as parents you know best if your child can sit a full concert with
talking to requesting food. The sufistication of being around adult might become thing worth learning.
If you'd like to hear more listen to the radion board cast on anchor.fm/Maria-Kamon-MKPDE
NowPlaying "7/21/2017 Friday Night in SD" from Maria Kamon©™ @MKPDE on @anchor: https://anchor.fm/maria-kamon-mkpde/episodes/a69d20
You can also listen on:
Google Play
Pocket Cast
Please read full disclaimer on contact page. Like? Subscribe? Tell a friend. Most of all click on an ad and see how great our advertisers are.
Why Visit Encinitas!
Maria Kamon©™ @MKPDE Podcast, on Google Play: https://playmusic.app.goo.gl/?ibi=com.google.PlayMusic&isi=691797987&ius=googleplaymusic&link=https://play.google.com/music/m/Iiwefyrklxfs7wthxauireaywb4?t%3DMaria_Kamon%25C2%25A9%25E2%2584%25A2_@MKPD
Maria Kamon©™ @MKPDE Podcast, on @ApplePodcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/maria-kamon-mkpde-podcast/id1254532508
Maria Kamon©™ @MKPDE, on @anchor: https://anchor.fm/maria-kamon-mkpde
The Art of Feng Shui
Post 4
I found the reading of this subject very interesting. When I was a child I remember finding the subject of how different countries saw the world to be interesting. However, my understanding was a child's understanding and not that of an adult. Even then we have to mature into full understanding. The thought that we can see the yin and yang all around us, intrigues many. Is this the same as look to nature?
I grew up with an Uncle who was a draftsman for an architect. One day I remember having a conversation with him about the blue prints he was drawing. He had to bring his work home over the weekend there just wasn't enough hours to finish his work. The presentation was due Monday. The plans were so detailed I was amazed. I was blessed by him taking the time to explain what he was doing. He explained it to any family member who would listen. I remember asking him how he could take a building with four walls and an entry and create something so beautiful. He laughed. Back to reading books for understanding I went.
I think this is a similar concept. The Ying and Yang Light and Shadow. If the Yin and Yang are seen in everything then we must innately have an understanding of what it is. Breaking it down to pieces for understanding makes it a little more difficult. We are conscientiously seen looking. We can also just be awaken to the profound understanding.
'Yin and Yang can be seen in everything around us. The light falls upon the object, there is both illumination and shadow. Yin is composed of a hill, a cloud in the sky, and people gathered together under the same roof. The Yang includes the hill, but has beside it he sun and 5he sense of energy in motion.' Taken from the book Feng Shin. The explanation makes sense.
If this is correct then the Yin and Yang have certain characteristics.
Yin Yang
- sky earth
- sun moon
- say night
- light shade
- immaterial material
- activity rest
- motion stillness
- expansion contraction
- above below
- high low
- upward downward
- firm soft
- hot cold
- hard soft
- fire water
- father mother
- son daughter
- front back
- top bottom
- sweet sour
- angry sad
I will have to find some photographs to see if I can see the Yin and Yang theory in nature. The book shares some examples. therefore I am now going to challenge myself to see if I could see it. I will take a break until I can see it how it is described.
Please click on an ad. Honestly, it is how I get paid for writing this blog. We all need to get paid for our employment. Please take a moment and read the disclaimer on the contact page. Thank you for reading this post. Til next time when I post photographs of what I think might be a Yin and Yang in nature.
Like, Subscribe, Leave a Comment and tell a friend. If you would like a personal reply email.
The Art of Feng Shui
Hi there , Readers;
I honestly thought this post would be a lengthy one since we will be discussing these concepts.
Yin and Yang Princles
What they mean
What they are?
The beginning.....
As I read what they are they are so profound that I confess I am having a hard time understanding the concepts myself. Since to teach one needs the concept of understanding. I actually have to pray for understanding on this one. I am not a practitioner.
The Yen The Yang
(I apologies for the poor qualities of these photographs, when I went to photo my painting, it just didn't come out to the quality I prefer.) I will try to fix them as soon as possible.
At first I wanted to define it what all the dictionaries say. The spiral, the spirit good / bad, the female/male. I think the beginning would be the female/male room and what is created. However, my favorite definition is that it is a medical practice that heals the imbalances of the human and spirit. I believe this makes the most sense and why there is such a misunderstanding when the subject is disused. It is bigger than the human. Not just about the human. It is also what is created. The spirit of heal the balance of life without swirl. It makes senses that the goal of the human a life without constantly swirling. What is it we create in our best selves? Who? Why?
If the Ying and Yang is just a philosophy then it has its concepts. According to a book named Fung Shui Handbook by Master Lam Kam Chuen one has to understand some of the Ancint History, Eternal Purpose. When I read this I thought to myself this is true, then how does it's practice apply today? Why do we take things from one culture and apply to our own lives? I am intrigued. That there are many places that apply Fueng Shui. It's interpretation can be found in buildings all over the world. Like Buckingham Palace, the US Capitol, the United Nations and the Taj Mahal. These reveals key aspects of strengths and weakness and the affect it has on people associate with it.
I am willing to travel in person and photograph what it is that affects people. That is if it is a paid employment. In the meantime I will research and see there are local places I can visit that have Fung Shui in practice. Can the Ying and Yang really have such a profound affect on the environment that a person's strengths and weaknesses can be discovered? When was the last time you personal space or office space was redecorated? Would you be willing to use this method in your workspace or home if it helped your people become a success? Interesting thought isn't it?
The principles of Philosophy:
The I Ching
History Magnetism
From ancient times to The polarities of the universe and humans
the present
Timing Humans Energy
Building a house And The Environment The pervasive
Moving Home In Which We Live In chi of the cosmos
Different people in
different places
Internal Location
Arrangements To the physical arrangement
Home, Gardern of the home and workspace
and workspace place in the enviroment
And Color
8chart copied from book Fung Shui Please note if you are reading this blog on your mobile device, the above diagram does not read correctly.
The practitioner takes into location, movement, invisible forces, magnetism, time and change.
The Beginning.
(Again my apology for the hand drawn diagrams, to think of it now I should have used my computer)
The "The Wu Chi" empty circle is considered the beginning. The Chinese consider the circle to be the womb, unfertilized egg. Called the birth of "Ying and Yang". One it has a dot it is full of life at this point it is both the ying and yang. (We as Americans learned in school as having both x y chromosomes, I write this and I still don't believe it. I would have word it more as spirit filled without sex identification. I write this knowing at this point I am unsure if their ying is equal to x and yang is equal to y). It has the universe energy and does not move. It is conceived by a single sperm.
"The emerging forces" When the circle is in half it is considered the Ying and Yang the way of heaven and earth. The fundamental principle of the myriad things the father and mother of change and the transformation. The twin forces of Yin and Yang act upon each other Movement initiated. (If I were to take a guest it would be around the eight week of pregnancy when the child begins to take human form. Do I dare suggest the child has both parents living with them within? Is this true?)
"The Tai Chi" All things and events grow and develop unceasingly, expressing the perpetual exchange of the Yin and Yang. My understanding is that the process has been set in motion and there is no turning back. The child will develop now with all the struggles of salvation that people have. We naturally look for salvation throughout our life. We might not be conscientiously looking for it. We look for salvation from problems, finances, work, friends, family, death, life. Sometimes, in all the wrong places. We struggle, blame and accuse when things aren't perfect. Earth. To know heaven is to know and understand salvation exist. This doesn't mean things on earth are easy, perfect or beautiful.
These are my view points added to what I am reading. We are discovering this together and if I lack understanding it is I do not have the Chinese wisdom I should to understand the complexity of what I am reading and therefore must as for grace as I discover for myself what it is? How the Ying and Yang balance is achieved within oneself and the environment.
In my next blog I will be writing about the Light and Shadow.
Thank you for following along. Like usual please read the full disclaimer, my opinions are subject to change. Like, Subscribe, leave a comment below or email me your thoughts on the subject.
As I read what they are they are so profound that I confess I am having a hard time understanding the concepts myself. Since to teach one needs the concept of understanding. I actually have to pray for understanding on this one. I am not a practitioner.
The Yen The Yang
![]() | |||
The Yen and Yang |
At first I wanted to define it what all the dictionaries say. The spiral, the spirit good / bad, the female/male. I think the beginning would be the female/male room and what is created. However, my favorite definition is that it is a medical practice that heals the imbalances of the human and spirit. I believe this makes the most sense and why there is such a misunderstanding when the subject is disused. It is bigger than the human. Not just about the human. It is also what is created. The spirit of heal the balance of life without swirl. It makes senses that the goal of the human a life without constantly swirling. What is it we create in our best selves? Who? Why?
If the Ying and Yang is just a philosophy then it has its concepts. According to a book named Fung Shui Handbook by Master Lam Kam Chuen one has to understand some of the Ancint History, Eternal Purpose. When I read this I thought to myself this is true, then how does it's practice apply today? Why do we take things from one culture and apply to our own lives? I am intrigued. That there are many places that apply Fueng Shui. It's interpretation can be found in buildings all over the world. Like Buckingham Palace, the US Capitol, the United Nations and the Taj Mahal. These reveals key aspects of strengths and weakness and the affect it has on people associate with it.
I am willing to travel in person and photograph what it is that affects people. That is if it is a paid employment. In the meantime I will research and see there are local places I can visit that have Fung Shui in practice. Can the Ying and Yang really have such a profound affect on the environment that a person's strengths and weaknesses can be discovered? When was the last time you personal space or office space was redecorated? Would you be willing to use this method in your workspace or home if it helped your people become a success? Interesting thought isn't it?
The principles of Philosophy:
The I Ching
History Magnetism
From ancient times to The polarities of the universe and humans
the present
Timing Humans Energy
Building a house And The Environment The pervasive
Moving Home In Which We Live In chi of the cosmos
Different people in
different places
Internal Location
Arrangements To the physical arrangement
Home, Gardern of the home and workspace
and workspace place in the enviroment
And Color
8chart copied from book Fung Shui Please note if you are reading this blog on your mobile device, the above diagram does not read correctly.
The practitioner takes into location, movement, invisible forces, magnetism, time and change.
The Beginning.
(Again my apology for the hand drawn diagrams, to think of it now I should have used my computer)
The "The Wu Chi" empty circle is considered the beginning. The Chinese consider the circle to be the womb, unfertilized egg. Called the birth of "Ying and Yang". One it has a dot it is full of life at this point it is both the ying and yang. (We as Americans learned in school as having both x y chromosomes, I write this and I still don't believe it. I would have word it more as spirit filled without sex identification. I write this knowing at this point I am unsure if their ying is equal to x and yang is equal to y). It has the universe energy and does not move. It is conceived by a single sperm.
"The emerging forces" When the circle is in half it is considered the Ying and Yang the way of heaven and earth. The fundamental principle of the myriad things the father and mother of change and the transformation. The twin forces of Yin and Yang act upon each other Movement initiated. (If I were to take a guest it would be around the eight week of pregnancy when the child begins to take human form. Do I dare suggest the child has both parents living with them within? Is this true?)
"The Tai Chi" All things and events grow and develop unceasingly, expressing the perpetual exchange of the Yin and Yang. My understanding is that the process has been set in motion and there is no turning back. The child will develop now with all the struggles of salvation that people have. We naturally look for salvation throughout our life. We might not be conscientiously looking for it. We look for salvation from problems, finances, work, friends, family, death, life. Sometimes, in all the wrong places. We struggle, blame and accuse when things aren't perfect. Earth. To know heaven is to know and understand salvation exist. This doesn't mean things on earth are easy, perfect or beautiful.
These are my view points added to what I am reading. We are discovering this together and if I lack understanding it is I do not have the Chinese wisdom I should to understand the complexity of what I am reading and therefore must as for grace as I discover for myself what it is? How the Ying and Yang balance is achieved within oneself and the environment.
In my next blog I will be writing about the Light and Shadow.
Thank you for following along. Like usual please read the full disclaimer, my opinions are subject to change. Like, Subscribe, leave a comment below or email me your thoughts on the subject.
The Art of Feng Shui
Post 2
Hi there, Reader:
I am looking forward to learning Feng Shui with you and I hope you will enjoy following along. This blog is intended to educate on the art of Feng Shui and it's basic principles. It is not to make you an expert or even change the way you are doing things. It is best to understand a subject before you assume it is right for you.
The basic principles of Feng Shui is to understand the importance wind and water. Once you master the understanding of these two earth elements you understand that the average human can not survive without it. As humans we want to survive. Our instincts from before birth are to service. It is the story of "Humans and the Environment of Which we Live". Wind also know as Air we use for breathing. To live on earth you must have. No one has survived if their air is polluted. A hospital puts the purist of air in us when we are sick, called oxygen. Our body needs it. we are one with it to the smallest organism. The other water. "The amount of water in the human body ranges from 50-75%. The average adult human body is 50-65% water, averaging around 57-60%. The percentage of water in infants is much higher, typically around 75-78% water, dropping to 65% by one year of age."
You can read more about the body's need for water from the website I liked the quote to just click.
There are Nine (9) Aspects
A practitioner must take into account. It is the accumulated observations that have happened throughout the centuries. This not only includes location and movement of visible realities such as earth, water and color also invisible forces such as magnetism, time, change.
These are known as the Yin Principles and the Yan Principles.
We will go into more detail in the next blogpost.
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Next Blog we will discuss:
Yin and Yang Princles
What they mean
What they are?
The beginning.....
Til then may your hearts be filled with love and your houses with peace, patience and understanding.
Hot on the List for 2017 Lifestyle Furniture Stores in Encinitas
I just stopped by the latest lifestyle stores in Encinitas. I have to stay I just happen to be in the area when I noticed this little aderandack chair. It was one of my favorites as a child. Why for no other reason that my grandmother had her favorite chair and on occasion when she was in the mood. She would sit on the aderandack chair.
That's when I discovered how tolerant she was of all her grandkids. I have great stores about my grandmother as I am sure you do of yours. I remember playing beauty shop with her. Curling her hair and painting her fingernails. I laugh at how beautiful I thought she looked yet when adults saw her they began laughing. Now I know I wasn't quite
That's when I discovered how tolerant she was of all her grandkids. I have great stores about my grandmother as I am sure you do of yours. I remember playing beauty shop with her. Curling her hair and painting her fingernails. I laugh at how beautiful I thought she looked yet when adults saw her they began laughing. Now I know I wasn't quite
When your done looking at the inviting display on the outside of the store, walk in and look at how beautiful the furniture in the store is. To the right was the outdoor living area with grand fireplace of fire and mirror. To the left at first glance was a display of a grand table for sure. Marble, I believe with the most dreamy buffet cabinet It has a price tag of only $3149.00 and it's on sale for only $2009.00. I have ever seen. If you look closely you can see it. That's not the only thing that's beautiful. Sofas, bedroom With a retail price of only shelving, They have many other home decor items from small table decor to large one so stop by and talk with the gentleman. I would have asked if I could do an interview for this blog however since it was a spontaneous stop I didn't want to disturb him while he was helping another customer. The store was pretty busy.
It's worth the stop. It's located to the right of TJ Max. https://www.greathouse.com/shop/
May I suggest you call the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce and MK Pure Diamond Events to plan a grand opening!
Disclaimer: I was have not received any financial payment for this blog from the retail store mentioned. If you enjoyed reading this store please Like, Subscribe and leave a comment below. Remember to leave a comment of what else you would like to read about. This one was actually a lot of fun to write. Because who doesn't like new furnishings?
2017 Easter Decor
Please read disclaimer. I was not paid by Peir 1 Imports.
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