Hi there, Diamond Glamour Girls,
It has been a long time since I have written a post blog fort you May of 2019 to be exact. Why now? I am currently asking myself that question.
In the meantime, it’s a new year and I thought I wish you hope. Maybe this blog post you’ll hear my voice. Otherwise I am quiet.
A new year, and old hope. A hope that those that know know...continue on the path for their own lives. Those that don’t know find out what I am talking about. I am not religious, however I believe and on the first day of the new year I listen. Honestly, do I always obey....No! Why, I am only human and mot all things are good for humans.
What do I want you to know....Hope! There is always hope. Even when we feel hopeless. I have been faced with death, drugs, perversion, lust, alcohol, abuse, loneliness, torture souls, and there is always HOPE! You are not these things. I am not these things. These things are in the world. So, for this 2020 year I let go of the world...Call for HOPE.
Let the missing be found, the abused be helped and those who have medical issues medical professionals help them. I am only human. Hope, Faith, Love one another for this year!
But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”
Matthew 4:4 NKJV
Who is God I as you? This is will be a great to know and understand that question.
Many will have clear vision!
Happy New Year! 2020
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