I have often thought about what defines a good friend?
I meet people everyday, as I walk or eat lunch.
What is a good friend?
These things you begin to understand when you are going through changes that no one expected.
I have decided that a good friend is best defined in times of trouble over times of peace in ones life.
The friend that was with you in times when your business was good, doing well or the friend who sees trouble in the horizon and disappears.
Lets face it we all have both. The truth is those that are good friends have a certain character traits.
What and how do you define a good friend?
Is it a co-worker?
Is it your sister?
Is it your neighbor?
Is it an old boyfriend? girlfriend?
Here are some things I feel are important in a friendship.
1. Trust which is built over time.
2. Honesty which is built through trust.
3. Integrity...the person says what they are going to do and do what they say.
4. Understanding your friend should understand that not everything in your life is about a good time.
5. Emotion Not only understanding, having the compassion enough to understand when you are okay, doing well and when you are not.
Short list isn't it. However with out these things you can't develop a normal human emotion called love.