Welcome back, Diamond Glamor Girls,
Download a copy at http://www.diamondglamourgirls.blogspot.com/historyoctober2018
I'm glad I took the summer off from blogging. I think this helped me do what is right for myself. You know doing what is right for myself isn't always right for others. For example: I enjoy certain things like painting, drawing and creating new things, besides getting paid for working. However, for some they might see it as something to covet. Not into art trying using the one words as a blog challenge. Perfect for encglish. Prompt word. Create a short story using the word of the day.
also enjoy improving my skill and making my skill set better. There is a man named ;ohn Parker who developed an activity that helps people become better at what they do. I personally enjoying looking at artwork that has been made using ink, however I don't enjoy inking.
I was thinking about what I would teach if I was teaching. I think I would have my children create a 17 page book. I would get an 8 X 10 paper 17 pieces of paper fold in half. Ribbon down the middle tie a bow. Then on the front cover I'd have the right History in October. I
I might even provide the front and back page, having them write their name on it. As a warm up exercise having them color the design on the cover. I think this way the children in class I also belive I would find stories to read about the word of the day. American history is so interesting and October has both scary and non scary things to talk about in history. Like people who thought the world was square. What if our world was square, would you fall off.
I would limit the supplies and colors they could use. To help improve the creativity and skillset.
Now if your going to limit supplies for children beware, the children will complain, whine, maybe even cry about how they can't do it without all the usual supplies. Plenty we are a nation of plenty, what if there wasn't plenty?
Hold strong teachers! You'll battle a few parents on this one. Your stifulling their child's creativity, inaction, personal growth. At the end of the 31 days when they have completed their books and you have read all the stories, Talked about old and new? What was it like then? What does one do when you have nothing? Have a discussion time about what they have learned. What they felt using limited supplies, colors, and what the difference is to live without plenty.
Download a copy at http://www.diamondglamourgirls.blogspot.com/historyoctober2018
I'm glad I took the summer off from blogging. I think this helped me do what is right for myself. You know doing what is right for myself isn't always right for others. For example: I enjoy certain things like painting, drawing and creating new things, besides getting paid for working. However, for some they might see it as something to covet. Not into art trying using the one words as a blog challenge. Perfect for encglish. Prompt word. Create a short story using the word of the day.

I was thinking about what I would teach if I was teaching. I think I would have my children create a 17 page book. I would get an 8 X 10 paper 17 pieces of paper fold in half. Ribbon down the middle tie a bow. Then on the front cover I'd have the right History in October. I
I might even provide the front and back page, having them write their name on it. As a warm up exercise having them color the design on the cover. I think this way the children in class I also belive I would find stories to read about the word of the day. American history is so interesting and October has both scary and non scary things to talk about in history. Like people who thought the world was square. What if our world was square, would you fall off.
I would limit the supplies and colors they could use. To help improve the creativity and skillset.
Now if your going to limit supplies for children beware, the children will complain, whine, maybe even cry about how they can't do it without all the usual supplies. Plenty we are a nation of plenty, what if there wasn't plenty?
Hold strong teachers! You'll battle a few parents on this one. Your stifulling their child's creativity, inaction, personal growth. At the end of the 31 days when they have completed their books and you have read all the stories, Talked about old and new? What was it like then? What does one do when you have nothing? Have a discussion time about what they have learned. What they felt using limited supplies, colors, and what the difference is to live without plenty.
The goal for me are:
- Self awareness
- Skillset Development (eye hand coordination, knowledge of color, hues, application of shading, knowledge application)
- Limitation awareness
- Self Talk (positive or negative)
- Create something from a word. (Something from nothing.)
Here's the rules:
You can only use these colors:
Yellow light, Gambon (Orange Yellow), Orange or Brilliant Cad Red
You can use liquid watercolors and pant brushes, markers.
If you do not like these colors choose those that work best for your class or student at home. I'll be doing it too.
Limit the time to the appropriate lesson plan time. You can even read the stories while they are making their books. Allow an extra sometime near the 31st day for any pages unfinished to be finish. This will help distress children.
If you'd like when done. Ask a volunteer to choose the best painting from each book photograph and make it publish a class book.
If you do not like these colors choose those that work best for your class or student at home. I'll be doing it too.
Limit the time to the appropriate lesson plan time. You can even read the stories while they are making their books. Allow an extra sometime near the 31st day for any pages unfinished to be finish. This will help distress children.
If you'd like when done. Ask a volunteer to choose the best painting from each book photograph and make it publish a class book.
31 days 31 drawings
For those of you who prefer words Vestober blogs or blog use this as a theme word. What story will you create, shop for or build. The goal is to develop, build and make an original piece to call your own. You may take them out of order to develp your story, however you must include all 31 items in your story.
Hastag: #HisTober #HistoryOctober #HistoryOctober#2018 #HisTober2018
- Wheat
- Corn, Pumpkins
- Feed
- Tractor
- Field
- Horn of pleanty
- Pilgrams
- Indians
- Transportation
- History
- Placesetting
- Wilderness
- Moon and Stars
- Wild turkey
- Squash
- Hats
- Linen
- Candle candlelight
- Scarecrow
- Wagon
- Horses
- Maze
- House (log cabin)
- Fireplace
- Fall Trees / Apple Trees
- River
- Table set for dinner by a river
- Coins / Money
- United States
- Family
- Friends
Be sure to let me know how your students liked this. I will look at all the hastag photos taken should you choose to.
Remember to have enjoy every moment school year runs fast and this is the busiest season. Stress is high, consider playing, Bach, Mozart, or other classical music in the background very softly. It almost like a white noise effect canceling all other noise in the room. Quiet time.
As usual contact information is on one of the tabs the disclaimer is also posted there.