Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mary or is it Maria?

Hi there, Diamond Glamour Girls;

Have you ever heard of the name "Mary" aka "Maria" who hasn't. Right? There are many things said about this name. Many things good, many things bad. None greater than the "Name of Jesus".  It has been written about since the age of time. Jesus mother, It is gossiped that Mary and Mary were the best of friends. What can make a the mother of Jesus love a woman so much. Did she know her name and reputation?

It is said she was a heroine, (not the drug)  the lover of John. Gossip is gossip, that is what this blog is all about. Was she made to cry? So I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it. Rev 5:4 They wept before they knew what would happen. It's a funny thing to know something is going to happen and not be able to stop it. To know you are being tested, know the result and still not be able to have the person choose a different outcome. This is what these woman experienced. Two woman knowing the truth praying at his feet, crying knowing the results of that day would change their lives forever. Knowing they couldn't stop it, trying their hardest to tell their men they knew, understood and however they didn't want that for them. The pain was greater than they could bare.

Now you as a woman, what would you do if a Mary came to you and said "I was asked to "bitch" for your husband?" Would you answer the woman? Would you ignore the woman? Would you talk to your husband about it? How he felt? If it was true? Is this not the stereotype of what a secretary use to be for her employer? Personally, I question myself?  How many times have I been asked by the mom's of football players if they could do this for their son's for favors. I also as a mom asked my son, if he wanted me to do this when he played football for his coach. He would not allow it. For this I am grateful. My other son, decided the same thing. How much can a mom love her children when they shut down the woman's thoughts from men, they she not become their Mary Magdalene. It is both said and truthful that the songs today speak of this very thing. They address the very topic in modern terms. I don't recommend youth listen to them, however it really gives a world perspective to the bible.

Is that what all the sexual harassment laws are about. It is governments way of stopping and protecting it's people from those that want power and prestige without integrity. It is described that she, She was there at the "beginning of a movement that was going to transform the West". Could this have been the 70's movement and the need to be free for woman?

None the less what the bible says about Mary needs to be held as truth, it is considered a history book. The difference is the bible is the cornerstone for cleanliness, honesty, truth. The goal of Purity:
It should be the goal of every human on earth to want to be saved, and live a "Godly" life. "To much is given much is expected." 
(For they could not endure what was commanded: “And if so much as a beast touches the mountain, it shall be stoned or shot with an arrow.” Heb 12:20

1.He will even deliver one who is not innocent;
Yes, he will be delivered by the purity of your hands.” Job 22:30

2.He who loves purity of heart
And has grace on his lips,
The king will be his friend. Pro 22:11

3. by purity, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love, 2Cor6:6

4. Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1Tim4:12

5. older women as mothers, younger women as sisters, with all purity.1Tim4:12

Mom, pray for their children and the children of other mom's. Sometimes it is about saying it to the other mom in order that she be held to a standard of purity and not entice the man. Prayer for the mature in spirit is such a beautiful, joyous and honoring way to be. Why not ask the wife?  Asking implies you don't want to have a sexual relationship with the man. You want to pray for him without violating the bonds of marriage. Why not be honest enough to just speak the truth, not for the sake of her men, her son, her child because God can hear those who pray in the name of Jesus anyway. 

A bitch described by Urban Dictionary:

1. Word used to describe the act of whining excessively. 
2. Person who rides specifically in the middle of a front-seating only car meant for 2 passengers or less. 
3. Modern-day servant; A person who performs tasks for another, usually degrading in status. 
4. Term used to exclaim hardship. 
5. An exceedingly whipped guy who does/wears/thinks/says whatever his girlfriend tells him to.
6. Annoying and whining female.
7. Female Dog
8. A woman that doesn't give a flying f*ck anymore and that can and will be cruel to men.
9. A woman who would say things that if she were a man, she would be confronted or assaulted. (using her position as a woman as a shield) complain
11. a women with a bad attitude
12. Originally used to describe women; 
now a days literally can be said to any1 ..anytime ..anyplace for any reason
13. The person forced to sit in the middle of the back seat in a car. Often in cases where multiple men and one woman are riding, the woman will automatically be the "bitch" to serve as padding for irrational male homophobia.

A whore is a different being. That too is described in urban dictionary. That is not what I am talking about. Mary Magdalene once she knew Jesus, never whores again. A whore has intentions that may not be at the best interest of your man. 

Either way in the work place it is unacceptable. The laws of the state are involved. 

Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.

Is it possible, somethings are not made for some woman?  Even in the name of Jesus!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

"Marry Me!"

Hi there, Diamond Glamour Girls;

It is so much fun to read about the latest the greatest in technology. The wedding businesses is blooming with people who want to plan weddings. Then their are the corporations like Wedding Wire, The Knot, and all those magazines brides like looking at. Prop 8 changed the industry forever allowing “gay” marriages. Relationships are and always will be the most difficult thing for humans to do. Like I do, it is difficult to day. We have all these cute sayings for relationships like. “Happy wife, Happy life.”, “Honey, do list.” Or my favorite, ‘Whatever”. The thought of your not even worth the argument, discussion, or thought, take it one step further and your not worth listening to.

Did you think of what the words ‘Marry Me” really mean? Matthew shares with us that in “For in they resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.” Matt. 22:30. He goes on to explain the generations and memorial for what God wants for his people. Ex. 3:6,15. When you think of it. God has placed allot of Fathers in our path. Could it be that our own Father suffers for us? There are many who become this idea of power and therefore mis-use it in abusing the person they marry.

I don’t believe, that is God’s intended idea of the “Father” or “Power”. “God has spoken once, twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God. Also to you belongs mercy; For You render to each one according to his work.” Ps. 62:11-12 Take a moment and reflect these thoughts to your marriage. Does it have these characters traits in them.

When I plan wedding for clients or the first interview, I tend to ask my clients lots of questions. Some wedding planners ask their clients when they met? How they knew it was love? They get involved in their personal relationship. I tend not to do that. In the first interview. Why? The first interview is to get to know a professional and how professionally they will plan their wedding. The topic of relationships does not happen until later as ‘our’ relationship develops. Why? I honestly feel that as a professionally I am hired to plan their wedding not medal in their relationship.

I am hired to assist, plan, design, decorate, help negotiate, counsel, and do other things event planners consider part of the job description. I try not to get into the relationship part of their marriage. Why? I understand other event planners do. In order that I may provide a good service for them. The relationship between client takes time to develop just like any other relationship. I look at my business as a service business. It is about seeing the couple as the “Father” sees them. to some this may be a narrow minded approach, to others it is the correct approach.

Each person is an individual. Caring for them as individual while planning their wedding is the most important part. Please do not misunderstand. I also have to care for me and my business. Just as important your wedding is to you. So, is my business to me. Therefore, boundaries are established one of mine is to not get in your marriage. It is just starting out. There are more important skills to learn, such as negotiating what you want vs what you can afford.

Anyone, can spend your money. I will be happy to spend your money too. The more you spend the better income I make. However, is it the right or correct thing to do?

“Not from the East, nor from the West, nor from the South, come promotion and lifting up. But God is the Judge! He puts down one and lifts another.”  Ps 75:6-7

“For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing.” Rom.14:6

We both do that right? Therefore, what make you better than I or you better than me?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

"Timber" Did you Hear Him Yelling?

Hi there, Glamour Girls;

Gossip here: More juicy talk about the world verses Christian. You know they are not of this world therefore the "church gossip" has to explain it to you. The news could be good or bad depending on the side your on.

I know we woman are charge constantly with gossiping at church is prayer or gossip? Is it helping people stand firm in truth? I love this analogy. 

Full Definition of TIMBER 1 a : growing trees or their wood b —used interjectionally to warn of a falling tree 2 : wood suitable for building or for carpentry 3:materialstuff ; especially : a person or type of person qualified for a particular position or status<managerial timber> 4 a : a large squared or dressed piece of wood ready for use or forming part of a structure b British : lumber 2a c : a curving frame branching outward from the keel of a ship and bending upward in a vertical direction that is usually composed of several pieces united : rib

On the day of Christ crucifixion before the lighting, before the thunder, before the woman started crying and the men talking, because heaven forgive they never gossip. Did the men, at that time yell "Timber!" When they were chopping down the tree that would be carved to become "His" cross!

Did the carpenter that was designing the cross labor and donate the wood? Did the strong man that chopped the wood donate it? Did the person who craved the names donate it? Would this have been casting Lots? Or we're they innocent and  "Nieve" to what the would would be used for and whom it would be used for. Is this part of God's protection in the lives of Adam and Eve? 

The Carpenters of old did lots of different type of work. How many types of employment can you think carpenter do?   
How many of us by our material things from carpenters today?

And in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship.
Do you think Mary "His" mother had knowledge of what was happening to her son? Was she in pain? Did she listen to gossip? Did she pray? Was she at any time chasten or hurt because her friend Mary was a whore? Would they have called her a bitch?

Could "Pitbull" be talking about this in his song "Timber". Haven't seen the video just thoughts come to me of the truth. Is it possible that a man can hear the timber falling? Is it possible that another man can get him out of the way? If Pitbull intended the song to talk about the "Timber" at the Cross or not is one of the beauty of artistry! One might here what Pitbull intended, some might hear
how it relates to their life, others hear what God want to do for them at the cross! 

I am currently at my moms house, the amazing thing here is the local church "Calvary" blocks away is divided into two churches. One church just blocks from the other. They split into an "Old" as in Old Testament Church is in an old building and "New" Testament Church. Is in a new building that looks looks  like a houseconverted to a church. How sad it is to see this manifestation of God in this area. 

Tools specific to Act 2:47
Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the churchdaily such as should be saved.
Whatever the song is I Pray you hear Gods truth for your life!

New 2022 Blogpost will begin In June