Friday, October 14, 2011

2011 Trends in Hairstyles/Color

Written by Maria Kamon

Do you remember when “Friends” was the biggest thing on television and we all wanted to have hair like Jennifer Aniston.  This was the last time I remember wondering what the hairstyles were like.  I like many other women wore this hairstyle for years.  Trendy people change their hairstyles all the time.  I was one of these women.  All my life since I was a young girl, I would get a new hairstyle to start school.  Each year it was different.  New school cloths, new books, new teachers, new hairstyle, but the cool things that remain a constant while growing up were my friends.  I am one of those people to say I am blessed to still have in my life girlfriends as young as I can remember third grade.  My best friend all through elementary school, who later become my maid of honor and now that we are older re-entered my life as her mom, whom I also considered my mom got Alzheimer.  Although a sad event to bring friends together, it is also a bless event to know that we still love each other as sisters in Christ. Throughout the years we have been able to remise all the old stories we have lived.  But the one thing that all women have in common with Ophra Winfrey and Jennifer Aniston is we change our hairstyles.

As one ages our hope is that we do it gracefully.  With hairstyle that flatter us.  With hairstyles our children will be proud of and not laugh at us too much.  My favorite hairstyle to this day and the one I wore from middle school until my senior year in high school was long down to my waste and straight.  I know which hairstyles was my sons favorites, the ones I felt like I had finally arrive by this I mean positive, in control and happy to be me.  Proud of what I had overcome and with happiness to looking forward to what the future offered.  Each year a new hairstyle it was my way of celebrating me, the best me I could be.  Sometimes, the best me I could be was just to take it a minute at a time.  But no matter what happen through life what I do know, even in my childhood is that I have always had a grateful heart for the people God has blessed me with, especially, but not limited to the two son’s I gave birth to.  Each son was born to a mom who had different haircuts; one was born when I wore my hair long, another when my hair was just growing out.  Both born in September, the hottest month of the year and the most difficult to be pregnant in…your feet swell.  These are funny thoughts; that delight us, because they bring the memories of the happiness, growing pains and honestly, we sometimes just don’t know what we are doing.

So here is to all the new trend setters, the new fashion styles, the new hairstyles, the new shoe styles and here is to those of us who have been there, done that and choose to stay happy with all of who we have become.  Cheers to us!
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New Hair Color Trends 2011-2012
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By Research Analyst
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Brown Hair Color 2011
Find The Perfect Brunette Shade From Your Favorite L'Oréal Brands
Pictures Of Hair Colors
Search multiple engines for pictures of hair colors new hair color trends guide
Haircolor trends that are hot right now run the range of light to dark, so what ever your personality is you can find the right haircolor for you.
I have showcased some of the hottest hair colors seen today on celebrities and fashion models.
Some of those being rich dark browns, carmel highlights, platinum natural blondes and fire engine reds, so sit back relax and enjoy the colors before your eyes.

At Home Haircolor Trends
It is possible now to achieve the color you want by dying your hair at home with semi-permanent for salon perfect highlights in your natural tone.
If you do not want the sunkissed look you can always opt for the bright pink, blues and greens that have the cyber 80's style.
Fade resistant haircolor is always best especially if you are not committed to one type of hairstyle.
Remember do it yourself DIY hair color products will make it easier and safer to change your hair at home.

Hair color trends pictures @

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