It's the Christmas Holidays and we are in all the planning of life. Sometimes in the midst of planning I take time out to do others. Things that will help me think better.

Here are a few tips. Things things you can do when your in the middle of getting ready for the Christmas season rush.
1. Take the time to put things away. I understand that your busy and the holiday season comes and goes quickly. Take the time to file the receipts away.
2. Do this while your waiting for the cookies to be made or your watching TV. As woman we always get called out for being multi-taskers.
3. Find a small place in your house to put all the unwanted things for the season. One of the places I found useful to put away all the everyday items was in the coat closet. Nice neat boxes. When guest arrive you still have a place for their coats and it's not likely they will be going through the closet looking for things.
4. Bathrooms taking out the old and putting in the Christmas decor. It's the perfect time to clean up all the items your children don't use or your husband no longer uses. The under the sink area is a nice little temporary storage place for items you are not using for the season. Let's face it we all have guest that like going through bathroom cabinets and drawers just to find out what you and your family uses. Crazy Aunt Sue.
5. Crazy time to think about it. However, it is honestly one of my favorite times to work on my taxes. Once everything is is place the evenings are quite, the kids are busy I enjoy to start planning for the next year.
There are my 2016 recommendations for 2017.
Clean, File, Prepare, Plan
Happy 2017!
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