Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting Inspired

10 Unique Ideas for Positive Thoughts
1.       Earn your wing. 
Overcome your negative thought live by choosing friends that think the best of you.  Read material and information that challenges not only your thoughts but motivates you to try new things.  While you try new think, think positive thoughts about yourself and others.  Such, as I can do this.  I will do this.  And everything will be okay once I have done this.   Have faith, good things come to those that believe.
2.        Meet in the middle.
As you are on your way to becoming a new you.  Realize that meeting is the middle is the best you have.  Don’t compromise your values or being for others.  Negotiate with the end result in mind, always respecting yourself first.  Even Christian values teach us that we do not have to become a door mat for anyone.  The United States of America is all about freedom and justice for all.  Freedom to try new things is acceptable; give yourself permission to be okay with who you are.  Past things people have said about you don’t matter. 
3.       Create Child like Enthusiasm.
Remember the first time you road a bike, how excited you were?  You might have fallen, scarped you knee but mom or dad was there to help you, cheer you on, encourage you.  Well guess what, you probably got up and road the bike again and felt good about your accomplishment.  This is how you have to feel about what ever new venture you are trying.  Mom’s always cheer for their children’s accomplishment.  Adulthood is about learning to cheer for yourself.  You don’t have to brag about it you just have to self talk and tell yourself you are better for tiring it.  You’re great!
4.       Dive Right In
Pick the new thing you are going to do, and as Nikes ad once said:  “Say just do it”.  Make sure you feel good about your accomplishment of trying no matter what the end result is.  This may sound controversial but the first time we try something we are never perfect.  Therefore, keep a positive attitude and keep trying until you succeed at your goal.  Eventually you will have accomplished and achieved the goal you had in mind.
5.       Hitting a Home Run
Your home run is never what others want for you.  It may not even be described or look like what you thought, but it will be something in the vicinity of what your end goal is.  For example:  I knew my whole life I wanted to children.  A boy and a girl.  I had my goal and dream since childhood.  Guess what the goal was accomplished.  I have two wonderful sons.  Both the kindest most loving sons a mom can ask for.  Did I plan that they would both be boys…no.  Did I achieve a lifelong dream…yes.  Was it exactly what I had planned for not really but the beauty and perfection that God created within them I would never trade?  They are fearfully and wonderfully made and I thank Him daily for them.  I know the goal and my accomplishment shared with you is personal, but other business goals came true as well.  Like owning a successful business, this also was a lifelong goal.  It’s come true.  I am blessed.
6.       Make History
To live life is to make History.  There is world history, personal history, financial history, make sure the history you are creating is set on the foundation you want.  Mine was on Christian values.  What will you be?  Ask yourself questions, not just superficial questions but valuable question.  Like what do I believe in?  Where do I want to be when I am 20, 30,40,50,60,100 years old?  Then plan, set your goals, faith come in your goal meets will, avoid detours (others ideas about what you should or should not accomplish) tell others your goals are set and you will get back to them when it is accomplished.  Believe in yourself all that is good.  God is good.
7.        Spotlight Success
To help you realize your accomplishment.  Keep a journal.  If you do it on the computer make sure to back it up.  When you have moments you feel you haven’t accomplished a goal or everything is going wrong, look back, give thanks, and know it is time to set a new goal.  Successful people live in the moment, while knowing each person has a path to take.  Some seek fame, money, others peace and joy, “Merely Christianity”, whatever your thing is know this is what you were meant to accomplish.  Thieves my come and go but grace and mercy live forever.  So show yourself grace and mercy.
8.        Use the Law of Attraction
When I was a Mary Kay consultant this is the first thing I learned.  We attract those that think like us.  It is a like minded society.  In Mary Kay when you start building friendship or a team and you have a dozen women you are responsible for and you look at them you discover they are all like you.  This is one of the greatest, silliest blessings.  Like minded people attract like minded people.  They may come in different sizes, look different, but their values are similar to yours.  Good thoughts about self help you get the goal you want.  I highly recommend you think good thoughts about others and it will reflect greatly upon you.  No one accomplishes goals without meeting others along the way that helps us.
9.        Reach A High Point
When you reach your moment of glory, that special moment when all things are working for you and not against you.  Bask in itEnjoy it.  Quite yourself, give a silent thank you to all those that help you accomplish your goal.  Know that for some this is as good as it gets.  Journal it, in detail remember all the little moments that got you to where you are at. Shine!  Your are at the greatest moment of you goal.  Know that there are more goals in the future to be accomplished.  Start working on the next one.
10.   Fly High
This is a moment when you feel you are soaring through the sky.  My father called it an eagle’s moment.  So USA, don’t you think?  He loved those moments in his life and taught me to appreciate them.  He was my best teacher.  My father’s influence in my life was what help me cope after his death; from the bible, to setting goals, keeping accountability of myself to the gratefulness of the appreciation for grace and mercy in my life and in the lives of others.  His encouragement in my life was priceless. That is why I am sharing it with you.  Enjoy it; once you fly high you will never want anything else.  Whether it is an accomplishment in your child’s life or a signing a big contract making the most money you have ever made, fly high moment happen all the time.  Keep your priorities straight.  Mine where always God first, family second, career third.

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