Monday, September 17, 2012

Wedding Vows_Cherish

I love it when couples write their own.  I love it when the Pastor, Preachers, Rev, Teachers encourages them to look, express, and find the things that are positive in one another.  It is moments like this that make the marriage and the couple hold on to one another. Anyone can find the negative in their mate; very few can find the positive.  In order to do this each person has to look beyond all the personal flaws that their mate comes with.  You have to look beyond the family, beyond careers, beyond the history and into the present and future.  The positive helps create a future home for one another.  This is easy to do say hard to maintain in a relationship that goes from Romance to everyday life.

One of favorite songs growing up was and is Cherish.  You have to “Cherish” one another to help each other through all the difficult things that life may bring.  Maybe you will be one of those couples that nothing major happens, maybe you are a couple of drama either way Cherishing what you have together lets each of you know that what you have is special.

Written by Terry Kirkman

Cherish is the word I use to describe

All the feelings that I have hiding here for you inside

You don’t know how many times I’ve wished that I told you

You don’t know how many times I’ve wished that I could hold you. 

You don’t know how many times I’ve wished that I could mold you in to someone who could cherish me as much as I cherish you. 

You…………………………………. Yours………………………………………….……

Oh I’m beginning to think that man has never found the words to make you want me.

That have the right amount of letters, just the right sound, that could make you hear,

Make you see that you are driving me out of my mind.

Oh, I could say I need you, but then you’d realize that I want you, just like a thousand other guys who say they loved you with all the rest of their lies, when all they wanted was to touch your face, your hands and gaze into your eyes.

Cherish me as much as I cherish you.

And I do cherish do cherish you.

Cherish is the word!

When I was a child I wondered about marriages its plus and minuses.  Most of all how difficult it was to maintain. It was the 60’s, a time of change.  Women are and were powerful beings.  They were discovering that divorce was acceptable in certain situations and acted on it.  Watching the people I loved going through divorces, hoping, praying I would never have to go through one myself left me with an enormous amount of empathy for those who struggling to express themselves within their own relationships. It was a time of change that I compare it to getting ready for a wedding. 

Couples hope for:



    Great Sex






Sometimes while they are planning their wedding these gifts don’t always look, feel that way they would like.  As they grow together, change with life, change with their families, aging parents, siblings who desire what they have, finances, children who want too much, children who don’t want more, couples become parents themselves, purchase their first home, friendships that want to meddle, so will their personal feelings change.  Unless the couples remember to Cherish each other.

In order to succeed at getting ready for all of these things you have to cherish each other.  Respect


Personal space

Right to Privacy

The need for friendship, fellowship, understanding…

Give each other room to change, grow, and mature.  Understand it will not always be like it was in the beginning, although it should be.  But understand sometime truth can hurt, but truth heals.  Most of all find the positive Cherish each other, the moments in time when you are both at the same place at the same time.

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