What about divorce I thought. To myself as I read all the legalities to the industry's new challenge. Are attorneys being trained on the rules to divorce a gay couple or have they been formed. are the laws different from a man and women marriage. There is ediquitee In planning a marriage, does this apply in an "gay" divorce?
Diamonds, Glamour, Girls©™ Love to gossip about the Happenings in and around San Diego, Northern California. Trendy fashions, anything glamorous. Lets talk, plan and enjoy ourselves with a cup of coffee and conversation What’s your favorite, lets talk about that.
Friday, November 29, 2013
What About "Gay" Divorce
What about divorce I thought. To myself as I read all the legalities to the industry's new challenge. Are attorneys being trained on the rules to divorce a gay couple or have they been formed. are the laws different from a man and women marriage. There is ediquitee In planning a marriage, does this apply in an "gay" divorce?
Monday, November 18, 2013
Can a Church Ordain Divorce?
he Losses of Lawsuits
“Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? …Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life? …I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you, not even one, who will be able to judge between his breth- ren?” – 1 Corinthians 6:1-3,5
What is one of the biggest problems our society has today? Dishonor.
Dishonor is defined by the “me first” mentality, the attitude that puts self first before all else and refuses to consider the broader impact of our actions and decisions.
One ultimate expression of dishonor in the Church is bringing lawsuits against fellow believers. We need to take this matter seriously, and I will give you four reasons why.
First, it dishonors the family of God. When we insist on putting ourselves first, even if we have suffered wrong, instead of preferring one another and being thankful for what we have, then it dishonors the whole family. It is especially shameful to bring our disputes before unbelievers, as though they are somehow more capable to decide justice than a wise believer with the Spirit of God living in them.
Second, it dishonors the future. Paul says, “Do you not know that we will judge the entire world, and the angels as well? Certainly we can judge cases among ourselves!” Do not forget who you are or think yourself unworthy to hold the gavel and bring justice, for one day you will even judge the angels! Begin to practice now what will then be perfected.
Third, it dishonors the fellowship between you, your spouse, your kids, your business, or any other relationship you have had which you are now trashing by taking that person to court. We go to court trying to make things right, but we do more harm than all the good we could possibly ever get back.
Fourth, it dishonors the forgiveness we have already received. The truth is that when we bring our issues to court, refusing to forgive those who have wronged us, then we are dishonor- ing the forgiveness we have received. We have been forgiven, and so we must forgive.
No matter what, we lose more in a lawsuit than we gain. Above all, we lose our witness and trash the holy name of Jesus. Flee this dishonor and choose to be thankful, forgiving those who have done you wrong.
Lord Jesus,
Thank You for forgiving me, even dying for me after all I did against You. Help me to have that same attitude toward those who wrong me, that I would rather die for them and restore our fellowship than to see them punished for the wrong they did.
It is a question that I have struggled with while attending church. My husband and I were united in the way to bring up our children. We were untied in what we believed the "great commission" meant as a call in our life as a couple, however for the first time ever, I came across people who didn't agree or maybe they did and used our marriage as an example. Has your marriages ever been used?
If you enjoyed reading this please drop a comment, click on a sponsor, tell a friend,yell it to someone, just not in my ear most of all call your local church and ask them what is their stand on divorce? While you are there ask them if they are riding the marriages in their church too much? Ask them if their stand on marriage is what God wants and how it is packing our society today? What are they going to do to change it? If God is against divorce and I may agree with this how is the church helping a couple stay together? An occasional retreat might not be enough any more. The world of technology works to fast and the word is out before life can be breathed into it.
As Christians you fight the Good fight, there comes a point where you start fighting for the rights of humans, even just the right to be a mom and say the heck with church. Then you think hypocrite, I fought my whole life for my marriage because we both believed in " The Great Commission" and my husband worked in a male dominated field and I was always the only female who believed in the call in his life. We both got married before a a Jesus Statue at a Christain church, that is still marrring couples and making sure they are equally yoked. It is not an option for the church to make marriages go round and round and fight to stay together. if the church fights marriages then who holding together the basics of what the "Father" believes. Like many other woman feel we lost the battle...therefore where does that put the church? If they do not understand that some mothers don't agree with their daughters on the Great Commission! Bringing up ones children to understand the difference between , "the Great Commission", a call to "Mission", and the call of God to manifest greatness in their lives without abuse or overcoming your own parents believe is a task in itself.
Without the church putting in the hearts of it's own that marriage is good even though it is challenging. Then their is no purpose. Some woman honor their husbands in a way that may look different to the church! In doing so we can no longer honor our own mother, because of her choices. Not to be disrespectful, but to fight for our own children! If a church dishonor a woman trying to uphold her marriage then is it not did honoring the foundation of which the church is built?
I challenge the church back to the basics of honoring marriage and the people who choose each other! To make public state mrs of what God intents marriage to be! To stop the confusion of "workplace" church, vs public church, vs truth! Honoring means respecting the person and their beliefs even if it is not in agreement with yours! Love means you have to do what the word says in manner that would honor.
Like I said the church has affected many woman who were upholding marriage throughout time. Divorce although not pretty might just be a way of upholding a person, who could no longer take the round and round or their fruit being pealed!
God help us all who want "His" love!
Saturday, November 2, 2013
"His" Voice vs "Your"Voice
Hi there, Diamond Glamour Girls; The perfect gift is there ever a perfect gift? I have to think about this one. The worst gift those are ...
Hi there, Diamond Glamour Girls, It has been a long time since I have written a post blog fort you May of 2019 to be exact. Why now? I...