Hi there, Diamond Glamour Girls;
Who's voice is more important! There was a time that as a child, wan I wondered who was more important! Is the voice of God supersede the voice of " His " people crying out for help?
Today on the news I heard the President of the Unites States say his people were growing contentious. Contentious, great word. Gods people grew contentions. Exodus, in the bible is a good example of how Gods people grew contentions. It had to so with time boredom, disbelief that Mosses would deliver what God has promises.
My Grandmother as a child would LwYs tell me God new we yells! The yelling is never of God or righteousness! She would talk about patience, trust, obedience to "His" Word. She shares stories of when she grew up the nuns would get mixed up about God and obey men and end up pregnant. She also shared stories of what would happen to them. Coat hanger abortions and the sadness the abortions would cast upon the whole town. She explained that not all men who say they are believers Not all men that are good men are men, to learn the difference because a good man was difficult to find. Here stories were her life. I was young and she was patient enough to allow me to ask a lot of questions!
Her mom and her were somehow evolved in church as a child I listened S she did all types of projects. She taught me how to embroider, make dollies, sew, dram my grandfathers socks ( I laugh at that now but did you know it is an art form, when you so it correctly, the stitches should be the same length and when complete the sock should look like it is brand new).
I thought about becoming a num until her stories educated me Bout the difficulties of this profession. She never talked bad about the church or its people. She talked Bout the hUmNeA of the profession. Non the less I was over it pretty quickly.
Listening to Billy Graham change my life forever. He spoke of the freedom in Jesus. Not what you had to give up but what you gain. The price was paid! We didn't have to see what was missing if we saw that from that point on I realized I had a good that didn't split personality a person! I had a good who loves! My relationship with my dad changed at that point, My dads relationship with my grandmother changes at that point. He stopped a lot of arguing with her, my dad was happy for the first time in along time. He began reading the bible together. It didn't matter what happened to me I have a God who saves! I began to see myself different from my family! I began to pray about my future, my education, my future husband, my children, my home, where we would live etc, I didn't ask to know. I asked for help in recognizing what belonged to me. I asked h to not let others have my portion, my piece of the pie. I was still in elementary school when I knew I wanted to become a teacher. That was fo-filled. All the things I prayed for in my youth were fo-filled, bigger and greater than I Imagined, for this I am grateful.
Now I pray again for my future. My hopes my dream. As I mature and my children are mature adults I pray for their futures their dreams. The relations be blessed, my grandchildren. This is all done with a whisper! Not a dog yelling, or fighting. With a whisper!

I was a cheerleader for my
Children! Everything they do in life I will cheer for them to succeed! I pray you don't hear God yelling in pain. I have! I thank "Him" for yelling in my pain! i told him i sont know how to stop it! It's humbling, therefore I whisper!
Is Obama speaking to a deaf world?
Are you?
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If you see my children tell them "I love them!" Better yet tell someone you know their mom loves them! Even if she is a terrible moms he did the best she could with what she had! Forgive her so you can feel her love for you!
Then you both will hear His voice along with your voice together again, in prayer!
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