Hi there, Diamond Glamour Girls,
Have you ever thought about the flag of the United States of America? Is is important to you? That holiday we call "Flag Day". What does it really mean to you? Most Americans, think very little of our flag on a daily bases. Here I am after my home was affected thinking about the flag our men and women fight for. To this day they still fight for this flag and all that it means.
Last night, one of our military that was impressed in a jail in Mexico was sent back to the United States. What rights do you have? Are you willing to give them up? Your home would you give that up? How about your car? Your children? Better yet your money would you give that up? The right to earn a living? These men and woman give some of these things up. They leave their homes, their cars, their families, and some even their paychecks why? To serve a country with a flag more powerful than all other countries. It use to be we were raised with a sense of duty and responsibility. We use to write to our POW's and seal their letters with a kiss. S.W.A. K.
Apple phones have this cute little app a letter with a kiss on it. I think to myself how many people today know what that means? It was a meaning symbolic of affection, love and a way of saying Thank You to those POW's of the "Viet Nam" war. They were are modern day heros. We didn't have to agree with the war they were fighting. We had to respect them because they were fighting a war, we were unable or unwilling to do. We were children! Innocent and a heart represented a KISS. Not lips. Not lipstick. Naive I hope so. I hope and pray every child is naive when it comes to things of war and they grow up feeling safe. Knowing we have people who fight for our country. Today's soldier should of had every government funded school, every christian school writing them letters, S.W.A.K. Shout! Thank You!
How many of our children today grow up making the United States Flag and learning what the stars and stripes mean. Why it is so important? This may be my personal agenda. Maybe, because I had a dad that served in the military, a grandfather that served in the military, his father before him and married a husband that served in the military. Maybe it is I am a teacher and miss teaching. I think these things played a part in my life, what played a larger part was knowing what the stars and stripes mean and in learning this I learned the importance of these men/woman serving. In learning what the flag means I learned our country faith, our ability to defend, our rights, how carefully our forefathers choose the design. I learned why other nations choose their design, their believes, their faith, what God they pray to and how they choose the design. The meaning of symbolism and how to stand firm in what I believe.
That is still not why it is important. It is important, to know those who walked before us and what they fought for. What meant so much that they would give up their live for this cause, for me a citizen in this United States of America. Could it be that our forefathers worshiped the only true God? That is why we are blessed. (John 17:3)
This Flag Day talk to your child about what it means. Many San Diegans lost their homes to fire this year, who came in to help them fight..."American Hero's" from fighter fighters, to military to the person next door. It doesn't get much better than that on earth.
Diamonds, Glamour, Girls©™ Love to gossip about the Happenings in and around San Diego, Northern California. Trendy fashions, anything glamorous. Lets talk, plan and enjoy ourselves with a cup of coffee and conversation What’s your favorite, lets talk about that.
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