Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Focus on Meetings

Every business has its resources.  Churches use the Bible, fellowship and history books.  Executives for the YMCA have certain manuals they use to run their programs.  Attorneys use tons of law books.  We all need assistance in our everyday life.  We get ideas from one another to sustain our businesses, our relationships our being.  Without new ideas our lives grow dull, quiet and alone.

In the industry of event planning one of my favorite resources is “Meeting Focus”.  It is a guide for destination in North America.  It is a source I refer to often to assist my clients.  There are many other ways to accomplish the same goal.  There are companies and resources I can pay for but there is something in picking up a book and reading it that gives me a sense of self that no computer can give me or a company can give me.  Maybe it is because I learned to read from a book with pages, paper, and print.  It helps all the senses; they are hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste.  You know everyone knows not to taste or eat a book.  It saddens me that they are trying to teach children to read on computers rather than books.  Teachers know and understand the more of the senses you can incorporate in teaching the faster and quicker children learn.

I still remember my first reading book and how important I felt.  “Dick and Jane” Do you remember your first book?  Then I remember my first devotional book my parents bought me.  Do you remember yours?  Then when I was older, I remember my dad teaching me how to read the Bible, something he read daily. Do you still read what your parents taught you to read, whatever faith that is?  I am not trying to push my believe system on you; just want you to know that there are certain things that make each industry better for having it.  Quick references are great and serve their purpose, but there is still nothing better than going through a book, looking at each reference and thinking of the person you are going to refer to that resource.

I always ask myself questions about the client who, what, when, where, likes, dislikes.  Then, I think to myself would I want someone to refer me to this venue?  If it doesn’t meet my expectations why would I refer a client there?  My level of integrity is important not only to myself, but to those around me.  If I expect the best and I strive for the best, so will they.  There are no guarantees we will get it, not even in the Bible, but there are promises we can hang onto.   Hopefully the people we associate with make us better than being by ourselves.  That’s the only truth there really is.  That if we treat others like we want others to treat us, we get the best there is relationships built on trust, respect and maybe an agape love.

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