Thursday, August 23, 2012


What is your church of choice?  It is funny, but not really that a wedding, event, fashion, diamond oriented blog would ask this question.  I have to say I am not perfect but planning weddings is one of those things you begin to think about whom you are serving and what you will help them with.

Religion plays a part but so do lifestyle, income, and beliefs.  What I believe does not mean my client believes and therefore it is important to respect their belief without fall into their ways.  I had a strong Christian upbringing, but when my mom remarried she married someone who didn’t grow up with the same believes as I had.  What could I do?  Nothing, that is why it is important to let your yeses be YES and your no’s be NO.

Weddings are a little like that the venue you choose becomes your “Church of Choice”.  Make sure your beliefs fit in.  Make sure you have the right Minister, Revered, Preacher, Teacher, Dr., Pastor, Clergy, Justice of the Peace.  One of the things event planners do, wedding planners do, is we help people find not only the right venue but the right person to marry them.  Some people want to be counsel others do not.  My favorite (only because it makes my job easier) is those that bring their person from their church.  It helps to know what they are trying to convey to their family, friends, and guest.

When I had to interview different people to conduct weddings, I was blessed to learn some of the different believes of different religions.  This doesn’t mean I changed my beliefs.  One of the biggest believes I have is that before you go before everyone and confess your love for one another; make sure you have talked with someone to make sure you are equally yoked.  Individuals have different beliefs and this can create both blessings and curses in a family.  The goal is to make sure you both think enough alike to stay married during your lifetime, a difficult thing even for Christians.  I know I have experience both.  We "I" choose to get married in a church, that didn't have a cross, or a dove, or steeple, I (we) choose to get married in a  Christian church that had a large statue of Jesus.  Our friends, my high school counselor's  wife was our wedding coordinator.  It was simplistic, humble and perfect for two people starting out with nothing.  I wouldn' t have change a thing. 
"Just give me Jesus,"  as Ann Graham-Lotz would say, one can never get enough of our wonderful counselor. 
 That was our profession of faith as individuals and as a couple.  What is yours?

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