Wedding Prayer
written by Robert Lois Stevenson
Lord, behold our family here assembled.
We thank you for this place in which we dwell,
for the love that unites us,
for the peace accorded us this day,
for the hope with which we expect the morrow,
for the health, the work, the food,
and the bright skies that make our lives delightful;
for our friends in all parts of the earth.
Both male and female feel the same types of stress during the wedding planning process. The both lash out in different ways. Each person knows what they can handle, but only walking through the process do they become stronger. There is no person that can teach us how to control our emotions, our being as much as there is a knowing that we will get through it all together. During the wedding process grooms need as much assurance as the brides do.
The role of a wedding planner/coordinator is to ease some of the decision making process. It is to assist them both to make the process better. I often get asked what is the difference between a wedding planner and a wedding coordinator.
a: a method for achieving an end
b: an often customary method of doing something : procedure c: a detailed formulation of a program of action
1a: equal in rank, quality, or significance
b: being of equal rank in a sentence <coordinate clauses>
2: relating to or marked by coordination
3a: being a university that awards degrees to men and women taught usually by the same faculty but attending separate classes often on separate campuses
b: being one of the colleges and especially the women's branch of a coordinate university
4: of, relating to, or being a system of indexing by two or more terms so that documents may be retrieved through the intersection of index terms
If you were to compare it to a football team. The wedding planner would be the coach. The coordinator would be the quarterback or the defense back. If you look at if from a "band directors" point of view. It is the difference between the drum major who call the songs that will be played and a member of the band calling the songs. Who leads your wedding is important to you. Choosing a professional will make or break your wedding. Be smart and education yourself on what exactly you want assistance on before hiring and ease your stress during this season in your life.
The saddest part about writing this blog, is realizing there are not allot of positive images of men and marriage. If you look up Woman's Wedding Day you find all kinds of images, that relate to the happy occasion, but if you look up Men's Wedding Day, there are lots of the same images. Woman for the most part try their hardest to think wonderful thoughts about the man they are about to marry. Positive images help that thought. We idealize about how wonderful you are even if it's not true. We know that you are not perfect, like we are not, but we hope for the best and place images of how great it can be, when both work together. In searching for pictures for this blog, I lacked positive images that men think about women. All said and done it is really about "This girl loves her husband". Men your bride needs you to think wonderful positive things about her too.
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