Have you ever written something like this:
Oh Dear Diary aka Journal,
Dear Diary/Journal, (Actually I never know what to call you. I am too old for a diary but journal sound like something my mother would do.)
I saw him again today. We went out to dinner and a movie.
Okay Journal (I decided that is what I will call you....Journal)
Journal, my friend my best listener,
I haven't written in so long.... I have been so busy with the present. I know you know, that I know, that you know, that God knows our every thought. I know... I am finally happy. He asked me to marry him last night and I accepted. The ring is going to be the envy of all my girlfriends. It is amazing, he knew just what I wanted. Of coarse I dropped hints at every jewelry store we passed by. I wonder should I get it appeased? Insured? But if I do and it isn't what I think it is will I be disappointed?
Best Listener, Journal,
I confessed to my friends and family, asking for advice about getting the ring appraised. They asked me if I doubted him about the ring, what else did I doubt him about. I confessed, it is scary getting married and committing my life to one person. I know, I know, it is God's plan for me. But is he? His perfectness is just so human now. We argue sometimes about the stupidest of things and I get frustrated with how much he wants to take over my life. My mom says I got to involved with his things and should have kept more of my girlfriends around. The truth is I invited them but between my mom, his mom, and him, I just gave up pursuing my personal interest. Is this right?
Dear Journal,
Okay, I decided I am absolutely going to marry him. He is the one for me we start counseling aka marriage classes with our Pastor this week. I am scared. What if we find out we are not perfect for each other. What if he sees me different after all this time, I have invested in him. He is even dressing how I want him to now. He looks so cute! I can't get over how cute he looked in that sweeter with those eyes of his. Any girl would be proud to have his arm around her shoulder. I have to stop writing...my thoughts are back on flesh rather than what is right in "His" eyes.
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