With Christmas just a spin away! I thought would write you a note and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! Thank you for reading this blog. I would like to share with you. This year, and I am very proud of this I made .01 cents from writing. I have to earn $1.00 to get paid, but non the less, I am thankful to have a new career. I AM officially a writer, author. Thank you!
I am going to try some of my own Etiquette tips this Holiday Season! If you get a moment "Pray for me as I will for you. If you spend the Holidays with lots of people or alone. It can be a lonely world. Especially trying to become an individual with your own interest again in the "Ex" games. There have been Christmas's that I have spent in a room of people I know and have been as lonely as spending it alone. On the flip side there has been Christmas's I have been all alone and not been lonely. It really is about becoming content in all things. (except abuse you never have to be content with the abuse no matter what type, emotional, spiritual or biblical, or physical. It is NOT Acceptable behavior) If you need assistance call there are abuse center in you neighborhood. In California you can dial 211 and get help. If you are in need of the police dial 911.
Definition of "Ex" from the Free Dictionary
abbr. Bible
ex 1
1. Not including; without: a
stock price ex dividend.
2. Abbr. x. Business Free of any
transport or handling charges incurred before removal from a given location:
bought the goods ex warehouse.
3. From, but not having graduated with, the class of:
a Columbia alumnus, ex '70.
[Latin; see eghs in Indo-European
ex 2
The letter x.
tr.v. exed, ex·ing, ex·es
To delete or cross out: He exed
each item off the to-do list.
ex 3
n. Slang
A former spouse or partner.
[From ex-.]
Whatever you choose to do, with whomever with you celebrate the season with. The most important thing to know is that you were created for a reason and a purpose. Therefore you are loved. The "ex" thing is difficult to say the least. Even if you have a wonderful "ex" that you loved. Especially if he or she wasn't wonderful. The truth is the story continues. You had a life once and knew who you were. You will have one again and will get to know yourself again.
The love you have for him or her doesn't have to stop, it just changes. You love him/her because you experienced life moments together. You love him/her because they were a part of your family. You love him/her for whatever reason you are choosing at the moment to get through the day, the celebration, the reality. The best reason you could love your "ex" is should be the first and most important is the children you created together. Just love them because your children love him. That should be enough. If not, then it really is it is the truth. Children love their "Fathers" and their "Mothers".
This is officially the fist year I invited my "ex" over. I tried at Thanksgiving. He didn't show, instead he took my son's to his family. So this Christmas I invited them by modern means..."I text ed" them." I have yet to hear from them a reply. Maturity, understanding and acceptance takes time. I might spend it alone. I am planning that I don't, but if I do, I will be content, not because it is the ideal situation but because I love my sons. For them I will be content and hope that they too will choose to love. To be human is to error, to forgive is divine or maybe it is to acknowledge the "ex"and show Gods grace. To be patient is a gift and a virtue. I may not win this battle of the "ex", but the one thing I do have is self respect for how I am trying to fight. Knowing some crossed the sea and were asked never to look back. All we can do sometimes is ask. The rest in the other persons personality, their way of being, in their way of thinking about themselves and others. Their way of having to live with their lives choices. They know what and how they want to be. They are adults, they too have to live with the consequences of their choices. I was once told we can only be as good as our maker, I had the greatest maker that ever lived. Therefore, I have nothing to complain about. Right? To love, is to wish other Peace on Earth, Good will to Men. The oldest sayings are earth are some of the most powerful this time of year!
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays. Wishing you the win over the "ex" with peace knowing that you fought a good battle, because you loved once.
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