As I watched the morning news, listening of all the wonderful promises different people were making to them self for the 2013 year. I couldn’t help but think, “That is what we do, right?” We make promises to ourselves to be better, smarter, skinner, more physically active, more financially smart, to divorce, to stay married, to stop abuse, to be thankful for what we have, to have more romance in our relationships, to think of our children more, to work for our employer and not complain, to make more money, to work fewer hours. That is what a New Year’s resolution is… “A promise to self and others to try to be different”. I have always been one to journal and pray my way through life. Seeing violence in others throughout my youth made me someone a quiet observer of human behavior. When I was a child don’t really want to say how old, my family was shocked at the devastation the Watt’s riots brought to Los Angeles, California, later I and many others were sent home from school with no explanation to turn on the televisions and watch the assassination of our President. This left many of us in shock, it seemed prayer was the only thing we could do. On the other side I witnessed my parents help strangers and be helped by them it is the answer to prayer of Gods people. We help each other heal. My parents were prayerful people who helped other people, who in turn were helped. I the youngest child was a child who grew up witnessing their love for God’s people. I too got to participate in the things that were appropriate. For the more mature parts (when it got really violent in the city we lived in) my sister and I was sent to my aunts and uncles hourse, hours away.
The last few years I pray and calendar my way through life. I know, it’s not the same as journal (I have volumes of God’s blessings documented). I heard today that someone designed a one sentence journal, I thought that was wonderful. For today’s business woman, one sentence is sometimes just enough reflection to last the whole day. That is how I use a calendar. I know everyone is into the cell phone calendar or the ipad, iphone, latest electronic calendar, I think there is a beauty to going through my calendar as I switch to the New Year’s calendar and posting the old information into the new one. It is for me a life continuation, a life reflection, a moment in time to give thanks for the year that just past, a moment to dream, plan for my future. So much of life is being happy with what we have. Trying to do our best and asking for the portion that belongs to me. I might not be as strong as others but I know that God has a portion for me. The Lord is my provider. He open and closes doors for those that know him. I read in a devotional today, about a man whose heart was hardened. I thought I had been through so much in my own life that this would be so easy to let happen this happen.
Instead I decided to take inventory of the things I have overcome. So much of my life has been filled with pain.
My List of Accomplishments because of God’s Grace in my Life, I say this with a big THANK YOU! May it be an encouragement to those who have suffered!
• I am MADD as in Mothers Against Drunk Driving. (Mom’s who have experience someone who has been an alcoholic)• I have overcome an Alcoholic dad. • I witness a mom who took his abuse to long so her daughters could grow up with dad.
• I have overcome getting hurt at the age of 13. (I still don’t like talking about this.)
• I married the man I started dating at 17. • I overcame the divorce 38 years later. (Rather not go into it. Respect for the children we had together)
• I overcame several injuries, broken foot, back, hand, arm to run a race. • I over came many failures before getting my BA Degrees, certifications, testing.
• I am now battling thyroid issue.
• I am now starting a new life, new way of being a new income, to be thankful to start journaling in my New Year 2013 calendar. This list does not include all of my sufferings, I wouldn't want you to think I am bragging. LOL
I thought I would change my diet then I realized that a diet it important because it helps us communicate who we are.
Here is what I recommend before you try to change you! Make sure it is you that wants to change for yourself. The changes last if it for yourself, because you commit to yourself. We might tell yourself it is for my children, the truth is I am making this promise to myself so I can see my children grow up or whatever reason you choose. The get your thyroids check! It is what regulates our weight. It also lets your Doctor know of your commitment to yourself. I have had wonderful doctors. They have helped me and continue to do so. I have always had a Hyperthyroid. Didn’t realize this until I was older. Having this is just as difficult as being overweight. I don’t get hunger. I still have to make sure, I eat correctly. Instead of three meals a day I have to have five small meals a day. I have to make sure I exercise, have a balanced life. Everything is okay to get just in right proportion.
No life is perfect it is how we look at it. Here is my New Year’s Resolution. Now that my children are young adults, now that I have or am trying to start a new life and have more time to self. I have decided to write each person that has helped me and thank them and let them know how much they have meant to me. I have also decided to have the courage to write to those that have not been as helpful or brought negativity to my life. Any good New Year’s resolution has to have a balance. Right? Since I tend to look and think of only the good things in life. I decided to think about those that might have been negative in my life. To reflect on what, how, when, why they affected my life. Why I allowed it. Why they choose what they did and if I have their address I will share it with them. I also decided to figure out how much control I had in the situation and how much they had. Maybe apologies if I was wrong, ask for an apology if I was wronged. It will be an adventure I’m sure. I am wanting to see who of those I write have integrity, honosty, believe in righteousness.
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