Hi there, Diamond Glamour Girls;
I know that everyone has people with the name beginning or ending with the letter "A". It is the letter/grade we always strive for in school , latter in college or university. Here is my first letter.
Dear A, (to all those I know with the letter A)

You are held to the highest accountability in school. I was wondering is that how it is in life. I have met you in life and it seems to me like the rest of us you have to strive just like the rest of all. I once knew one of you who knew that I was talking about sharks. Honestly, this is one of those things that I found strange, but none the less it happened. We were talking about sharks, aka a shark entrepreneur as in "Shark Tank" and you brought me a friend of yours wearing a shark tooth necklace to meet. I have to say with humor and with grace, thank you. It is a moment in my life I will not forget. I am not sure if you knew but "Shark Entrepreneur" is a person who has made a lot of money at business. They can also help others make money by educating, mentoring, or investing. It is similar to an "Angel" and angel investor is a business person who has for a living finds people, projects or institutions to help. They help them find a way to grow their investment. They invest in the person and for the life of the person mentor them, help them to grow, gain respect a name and the appropriate reputation.
We are only as good as our name is one of the things my father taught me. It is important to keep that as reputable as possible. Funny, we all make mistakes, including myself. We must make Amen's for the mistakes we make and move forward. God knows the intentions of our hearts.
aspect, character, characteristic, facet, idiosyncrasy, indication, mark, note, particularity, peculiarity, point, property, quality, quirk, sign, speciality, symbol, trait, virtue
For all you "A" friend....hope to cross your path again. may you have lots of attributes in your life.
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