Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Men of Integrity (Part 1) Wedding Plans

Hi there, Diamond Glamour Girls:

We all wonder what men discuss when they are together. Especially before a wedding.  Do you think think they have it ease then us woman?  Do you think they get away with things? What is your idea of premarital counseling? As woman is expected certain things,  men are also expected certain things.

B came home after her meeting with Pastor B and told her love. "It's your turn to visit Pastor B.?"  "Pastor B?  What are you talking about? I don't need counseling...that is something woman need?"  said Love "What? Do you want to marry me?" B asked.  "You know I do?" Love said in a somewhat condescending manner.  "I asked you, didn't I?"  Then make an appointment.

Nothing elese was said about the rest of the evening. They both went about their business. B didn't want to be consider a nag.  The next week went by without either of them talking about the subject.  B began to wonder how much he really loved her?  That is the typical thing women do right?  No...she was a little smarter than that.  Men of integrity she thought should not be nagged, they should want to do what is right.  Not only in the eyes of God but also in her eyes.  She waited patiently.  This was after all their "couple" act, okay other people had seen them and thought often as a couple. They had been dating for several years.  After all, they were living together.

B thought of her and Love as any other couple.  The only difference was she knew he was the love of her life. She had not thought of another since they were together.  She wanted to know if he felt the same, actions speak louder than words.  Since, she knew that if she force him, she would never know if it was something he wanted or if she was just not willing to do something this important on his own.

Let see what happens as the week continues....

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