Saturday, September 30, 2017

30 Day Challenge Day 4 Explain The Blog Name

Hi there, Diamond Glamour Girls;

"A rose by any other name is not a rose." Shakespeare What is in a name? That's what you are really asking. Your question gives me the desire to ask you the same. None the less the goal is to complete a challenge. To repeat oneself enough in one's decision to understand, the attempt to understand the wise.

Diamond Glamorize Girls?

The name from the people I met while working. My other business. This businesses was financially supporting me and my family. It was and is a place where I had/have the opportunity to meet people. Non the less I'm not exactly sure why, I started meeting woman who wore really big Diamond rings. At first I thought it was a silly thought, then I thought how cool is that. Then I started realizing some of the things we had in common.

When you plan meetings, weddings events you meet so many people that one understands truely the importance of how unimportant a person is. In the attempt to stay and not get caught up in all the decor I came up the the name, Diamond Glamour Girls. The people I meet in life have and live the abundant life much more abundantly than I.
Therefore, I enjoy making up stories about them.

Thus, a rose by another name ... will it small sweet?

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