Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Hi there,

You know yesterday we talked about Goals on the anchor radio show and today we discussed success. What is success? How does one accomplish it. As we talked about yesterday you set a goal and don't allow adversity to stop. Please read the Goal blog for the details on how to set a goal.

1. Personally, I put the goals I want to accomplish on paper.  
2. I add a date to it.
3. Break it down to smaller task.
4. Work on a task each day until goal is accomplished.

For example yesterday I wrote I want to save money. I could have made the choice to have a an elaborate breakfast because I was kicked out of the place I was living due to having to fix the air conditioning system. Instead I went and order a coffee and a scone this const me $4.68 saving me approximately $15.32. That might not seem as much, however if you start adding that 7 times it equals $107.24 a week. That I would say is a savings. That will add up to $5,576.48 dollars a year. Is that money or what?

Now others have a different way to look at it for example  7 Steps to Achieve Success but Brian or 7 Steps to Achieve Your Dreams Chris Wildnern both Good Rticles to read. THe more you read the more likely you are to find out who you are and what thoughts work for you in achieving your success. If you graduated from high school that great. You chose a career instead of college that's okay, nothing wrong with that. I'm sure your employer has a form of advancement  the company your employ. You just have to empower yourself and figurine out what you want. One you do figure the steps you have to take to get there and go for it.

For example to become a wedding planner there is a certification program one must take. Test to pass to qualify. They don't ask you for an advanced degree, they just ask you to attend, follow the lessons, learn, take the test, pass and then find employment. Don't make things harder than what they need to be. Just do what it is you want to accomplish.

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