Hi there, Diamond Glamour Girls:
Now my transition from youth to junior high and then high school was not an easy one. Things happen I didn't expect. My dad, my love was trying to help me transition from prayer to Job's Daughter (book of Job) back to prayer (Psalms). Do the two work together? Can a daughter of Job have the heart of David for prayer? Could she be "God's Beloved"? The transition presented some challenges. Many of them we didn't anticipate. I think there is a song about this. "Anticipation". It makes me laugh the stupid memories I have of both of us. Can a junior high or high school study pray for school work, friends, college, grades? Is this acceptable? How do you do it all? Is it any different praying for your children when you become a mother?
It presented new challenges for my dad, he was a strict man who believed in being highly organized. The transition into womanhood his daughter didn't count on was boys interest in her and the need for them to look good, showing off, etc. I remember the different boys that would come by the house before I was old enough to date, to see if I was interested. I assure you I was never interested.
One showed up barefoot.
Barefoot Prayer |
He didn't met my dad's qualifications for dating. Please don't ask me for a timeline on these gentlemen caller, that is irrelevant. I know it started when I was in about 5th grade with mothers bringing the sons over to introduce them to my dad and it went on until my junior year in high school. How un-american I would tell them. I don't want to marry a latin. Good for nothing men who cheat on their wife. (Forgive me that is a cultural non-politically correct statement, but a teenagers only defense. As a mature woman I have discovered cheating on your wife has nothing to do with culture, more like character. It also affects both men and woman.) The young man visiting was unexpected. I invited this young man in introduced him to my parents, next they were playing a game of chess. After the game which lasted more than hour closer to two and half hours where I was only allowed to speak to the young when it was my dads turn to move his chest piece. I was board. When the game was over my dad, asked the young man to follow him. He took him into his bedroom, I followed carrying on, like a teenager and watched in shock as he open his closet door, showed him all his suits, his shirts, pants, shoes, lined up perfectly neat in the closet. He asked the young man if he wanted some of the cloths in the closet. The young man said no! Then he respectfully told the young man that he was inappropriately dressed to call on his daughter. If he wanted he would loan him his cloth if not he need to get out of his house until he could dress like a man who had good intentions, honorable. Until then not to call on his daughter for a date. I was so embarrassed. This young man couldn't get out of our home fast enough. He never spoke to me again not at school not when I saw him around town. Guess sometimes dad's know best. Today, I get the point of making it sure a man needs to respect, his daughter. (Lam. 5:12) Now that I think of it the young man was not respecting his elder. Old school isn't such a bad thing when you are trying to learn, what is pleasing to "The Lord, God".
Later, while in Junior High there was a young red man (much older than I he was in high school) who use to come by the school with his friend. I had just joined the club I had mentioned earlier. His interest was in his friend being with my friend who I had just met. I was quiet as a young lady, learning from my dad to question the intentions of the heart of young men who were interested in me, in this case my girlfriend. I watch and listen. We were both quiet as they talked. Afterwards, I told my friend, she shouldn't be with a young man so much older. She had an older brother and explained they were his friends. This happened a few times until the mother daughter get together for school when I asked her mom privately, if her daughter was allowed to date. (Song of Solomon 8:8) We were both at that point in our lives learning, growing, knowing I wasn't ready for dating and my parents wouldn't allow it. Would her's.
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Now it is about listen to what is righteous my dad taught me. (Psalm 119:142) The goal is to find righteousness, love mercy, gain honor. (Proverbs 21:21)
For the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness; His countenance beholds the upright. (Psalm 11:7). I spent the next two and half, years learning what it meant to be a daughter of Job. You know Job had many daughters, they each had their own character trait. How a young man should treat a young lady. I shed my share of tears for maturity is not always painless. The bible speaks of many things including being betrayed by those you befriend. Girls turn on girls for boys, call you names, say stupid things, boys yell things they should for power. I learned "Dead Men Speak, I Don't Have To Listen or Obey". Actions speak louder than words when it comes to knowing in the midst of trouble there is no greater love than the love of the "Father" for his children. (Matt. 23:9) Doing what is right isn't always about looking the prettiest or knowing. It is about knowing what is right for you. Hopefully, it will be right for the other person too. In this case, my girlfriend was able to invite these two young men to her home. I lost a girlfriend for talking to her mom, she felt betrayed. I was prevented from knowing which Jobs daughter she was. I felt relieved that she was safe, her parents could supervise the intention of these young men's hearts that were calling their. The cool thing is their was no hatred between us. Just respect. I escorted her brother to his prom at her request.
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I also spend the next two years with my favorite English Teacher; the youngest teacher the school had ever known, the new guy learning what it would take to become a teacher. He helped me with the thoughts of being more than just a high school graduate. We wrote to each other until I graduated from high school. This hip new teacher, helped me focus on what was important to me. It was also important to my dad. Did you know that if you kick boys out of your thoughts, there is a whole lot of room for studying for college? College prep classes and test took up enough time. I thank him at graduation, where he asked me for a date. Unfortunately, I was already dating the man that was the "Love of my Life", I told him I was grateful, no thank you. I will always remember him as the cool new teacher the only young teacher our school had.
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