For most of my life I have been consistent in one thing and one thing only. Praying! I do not take credit for this, I give credit to my earthly dad who taught me the importance of prayer in life! To my heavenly Father who knows that I am only human and lack the ability to fend for myself without Him.
I like you have lost. I have lost my home, had to move in with my mom. Who would have thought at this age I would have such a great loss. No one including my dad. It is times like this I miss talking with him the most. His counsel over my life was always one of wisdom. Don't misunderstand he had his faults, his sin, he was an alcoholic at times in his life. This made him human not perfect. (Rom 6:19) A sinner saved by grace. Why do I like to think of him this way? Why do I miss him the most at these times, he was the one I shared my life with. He had a family of daughters. The hardest gift given to a man by God. He would listen and not say a word. Get up from his seat, walk to his bedroom pick up the bible that sat on his dresser and find the scripture to give me. I would then go into my room and look up the verses. It was always the best when we would pick up the bible together and minister to one another. We would then discuss what the scripture meant. He loved the Psalms and Proverbs. It was always with him that I solved the biggest of life problems. He would always tell me there is an answer for everything in the bible. A way that is righteous to men. I learn the word man in biblical terms meant men and woman. I didn't have a sexist or raciest father. Although he taught me what they both meant. My youth was in the 60's where we (my family and I got to see a lot of violence). Ps. 11:5
Why did these things happen to me? Too you? We don't always know why. We can ask all the hard questions we want, not always getting an answer. Force can overtake even the most prayerful person. Pro 30:33 If fire force, it is a force that can not be fought by the normal human hands. It takes water! There are many verses that talk about the importance of water. For the body, for the soul, for health, for life. Water puts out fire. Thank God we have a wonderful fire department that labors for God. He provides many things, including the people that would choose that employment. The news described the fires as a heavenly fire can't. Scripture explains this too.
Some people look to their preachers for answers. Others to prayerful people. Yet, others think the answer is to find one prayerful person and burden them with the burdens of all His people to teach them what prayerful person should be like. Let me tell you this, there is nothing biblical about this. It is clearly stated that each person should pray for their own life. I ask you to pray, pray for others, however pray for yourself as well. It is with personal prayer that we accomplish the most for your own life. That is what this blog is about. You are the salt of the earth. You are the good that comes and heals those in your life. You are responsible, your are capable, able and you are the one that all this happened to. Pick yourself up, dust off all that is not yours. That you didn't choose, that you didn't create, that you are not responsible for, dig in begin the clean-up process. I to am doing that in my own life. Cleaning up the mess others though was mine.
Prayerfully, together maybe we will succeed in our own lives.
My Prayer list:

2. Food, Water, Clothing
3. Employment to pay for the clean up mess and / or Understanding employers who knows I need time to get my life in order.
4. Time to heal all that hurts within. Love that heals, supports and helps.
All that our human body needs. I close with a verse that is important to me, maybe it will speak to your heart. Mark 9:48
God Bless!
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