The Christmas Wishlist is a pretty amazing thing to have. When your a child one thinks like a child. Everything you see is what you want. Commercials influence us. Now parents have tried to stop commercials and we have Comercial free.
The battle between children and parents continue. They want to grow up, mature, experience new things, and we try to hold on to them. Like children the Christmas Wishlist continue to mature and change.
My girlfriends whole family had a place where they put their wishlist called them affirmation jar. They would pray for them all year long. Each years end they would pull them out and as a family go through tem and see what would come true. It was a lot of fun to watch them as I happened to be their one day when it was a scheduled family time. I asked if I should leave and they said no. They passed the jar around and read the affirmation. They'd ask. Did it come true? The answer was always a yes or no. Do you want it in for another year? Was the second question asked. They did this until they completed all the affirmations. It was a pleasure to witness this family.
There are others who teach time to put their wishes in books or list. The truth is the form in which you create a list doesn't matter. What matters is the faith you have to know it will come true. For this list I will name 7 things. I thought 3 is too short 10 is to long. I'll trust that my wishes are perfect for Maria Kamon and no one else can have what is mine, it was created especially for Maria Kamon.
1. A house on earth to make my home
2. Food and clothing
3. Health
4. Money, paycheck, employment
5. Family and friends to love
6. Place that is safe for self expression
7. Last not least a good.......I want to keep this one a secret.
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
#blogmas2017 #Blogmas2017/dgg #DecemberBlogmas2017
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