Hi there, Diamond Glamour Girls,
What is a story without the truth? You have to understand the truth to understand books. Why? You might ask? Here is why. First the religious truth exist. All other truths are either try to explain the truth or explain it away. That means people can't handle the truth. They have to find ways to blame, cheat lie or just justify themselves in daily living. Reality is difficult for most people, we as humans are imperfect.
My favorite books and I believe that it is my love for stories, tend to be the ones that make one be themselves. Meaning they help develop the person to become better. If you love reading the bible for Christmas stories, they read historical books and law books to understand the biblical times and how the laws have changed to help people.
I grew up with a local library just at the conor of my street. Whenever I didn't have anything to do I spent my time reading books. From the time I could write my name, I was checking out books. First picture books like Harnold's Crayon where I learned I could do many wondrous things with one purple crayon to endles readings of my place of birth.
My favorite stories this time of year are the ones I would read to my classes about, The Christmas Tree, an explanation of why we have them. There are also books about stuffed animals and children's imagination. How about the ones who explain religion and the complexity of the world to children. Empowering them to truth and rights as humans on earth. Like freedom of choice or religious freedom. It is all education and teachers try to do. Empower their students. That is what I did, as a teacher. You'll have to check with other people, what they do. Each are individuals.
The best and most favorite part is that they are all free at your local library. We also have the freedom to purchase at your local book store. Ours just happens to be Barnes and Noble. Since I am not currently teaching, I am not reading children's book. I have thought about writing a review blog to help parent choose quality books verses reading for pleasure. There's a difference. Currently I am reading for pleasure two Christmas books. Christmas In my Heart written by Joe Wheeler and Christmas Wedding by James Patterson. Both are from my local library.
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