Thursday, October 12, 2017

30 5ay October Challenge-Thankful Thursday

Hi there, Diamond Glamour Girls,

What is there to be thankful for when this year there was earthquakes in Mexico,  flooding in Texas an Puerto Rico and many other places in the United States, fires in the Northern California Valley and so many deaths. Many people are alone and trying to survive.
Financially, spirituality, physically, and emotionally I was I had the answers for you. I don't.

I myself have experienced devastation some so profound that I have now words for. Here is what I consider a good day. Thankful day!

1. When I wake up in the morning.
2. When I receive a phone from my children.
3. When I move into my house that is fully paid for.
4. When I am able to open a book and read without crying. The memories of loss are his playground. His trophies. His honors and his lies.
5. His thoughts are not my thoughts, my thoughts are not his thoughts. This I know for the ____________ tells me so.

That's thankfulness. I'm thankful that I know the difference.

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