Friday, October 20, 2017

October Blog Challenge - Day 20 * Day in A Life

Hi there; Diamond Glamour Girls;

A day in a life. Have you watched the news recently? And thought, "Oh My God! Poor Child"
 In the news everywhere if you look or listen and think beyond what the news is saying. You would probably learn.

 That after the hurricanes.... there are children who are scared.

Families who are broken up, forced not to be with their children.

There are people without shelter.

Did you know that after an earthquake the same thing happens.

Did you know that after the Mexico Earthquake there where children barrier alive.

Did you know that many of those affected by tragedy young never recover or forget. The pain of the moment can stop them from having normal relationships, marriages, children.

Did you know without medical care their pain will manifest in other behavior. Such as inability to read, write, speek. Because as an adult it happened so long ago they might not understand why they behave the way they do.

Did you know that the pain from being burned alive is one of the most intense pain a human can feel.

Did you know that fires are so intense, that even with all their gear fireman still experience heat from it.

Did you know devastion is long lasting whether your a child or not.

Did you know that listening to someone screaming at you is cause of abuse and as a child, teen or adult you can report it to the police.

Did you know if you really had a choice to live a day in another person's life and you did nothing about it you too are part of the problem.

Call to action help those that can't help themselves.

Please read the disclaimer on the contact page. The photograph used are provided by The children where not harmed in anyone for this blog or blog writer. The photographs are used as a visual art to evoke emotion within, to help you understand the importance of saving children.

The lives of all the recent tragedy will never be the same We can pray for Godspeed in recovery.

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